10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

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Cosplay used to be solely for Otaku – Japanese anime and manga addicts. However, recent years have witnessed the shift of cosplay from the East to the West. Cosplay has become a global trend.

Read more: What All The Fuss about Lace Front Wigs Human Hair Is About?

The use of lace front wigs for cosplay, as a result, is getting more and more popular.

Wanna find out more ideas for cosplay? This article is right for you.

Why should you use lace front wigs for cosplay?

There are different types of wigs: full lace, lace front and 360 front. It appears that lace front wigs for cosplay are more favourable by cosplayers than the rest.

Why is that?


The secret of lace front wigs lies behind its functionality. The construction of this type has made it easier for users to wear as well as to style. The front part is covered with lace.

This flimsy layer matches perfectly with the human scalp. As for cosplayers, especially the famous ones, this frontal section of the head is quite remarkable. Since they often take selfies, if the lace is too apparent it will ruin the pictures.

10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

This flimsy layer matches perfectly with the human scalp.

The rear part of the lace front wigs is weft with clips. These hair clips secure the wig into wearers’existing hair. This is an excellent feature for cosplayers as they can wear wigs even the weather isn’t favourable.


The durability of the lace front wigs depends on many factors. The quality of the lace, the original of hair and the manufacturing all contribute to the product’s longevity.

For most cosplayers, human hair lace front wigs are out of their affordability. It is true that these products offer the highest quality, but at the same time, they ask for more money.

Those, who decide cosplay is their lifestyle, often purchase human hair wigs to cosplay their favourite characters.


Compared to other types of wigs, lace front wigs for cosplay aren’t expensive. Especially wigs from synthetic fibres are only a few bucks compared to human hair wigs.

Even with wigs from human hair, the price is still very much affordable. If you buy a black, unprocessed lace front wig, you can purchase with a friendly price.



10 Best lace front wigs for cosplay ideas that will blow your mind

Black Widow

Crazy about Marvel movies? Black Widow seems to be the only authoritative and attractive female member of the Avengers. If you are a fan of Scarlett Johansson, you may want to cosplay her character as well.

10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

Wonder Woman

Another heroin in the movie, the Wonder Woman has convinced movie watchers that women can save the world too.

This character has an effortless hairstyle. You don’t even have to buy wigs for this adaptation. Simply dye your hair black and do some curls.

Princess Merida from Brave

Princess Merida draws people attention to her copper hair. The bold curly long hair looks lusty and vibrant. To cosplay this princess, you need to focus more on the hair than the costume.

10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

Elsa from Frozen

The ice queen, Elsa from Frozen, is another frequently cosplayed character from Disney. Her transformation from a princess who had so much to hide to a confident woman is fantastic and inspirational.

If you already have long blonde hair, you may not need to buy a whole wig for this cosplay. Just buy some hair extensions to enhance the density of your natural hair. And then you can create fishtail french braids with ease.

Harley Quinn from Batman

Who doesn’t love Harley Quinn for her frankness and wickedness? She is the type of women who do what she wants and takes what she needs. An adoption of Harley Quinn character doesn’t require much.

The only thing you need is probably one of the lace front wigs for cosplay with white colour. Don’t forget to add a bit of pink hue around the bottom end of the wig.

Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones

The dragon mother, Daenerys Targaryen started as a fragile young girl who had to enter an unwanted marriage. As the series develops, her strength and courage also grow.

10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

Daenerys Targaryen is an excellent model for women who undergo hardships. Whoever loves Emilia Clarke would like to adopt her character as well. This character is natural to cosplay because she has a long, wavy white hair.

Redeemed Riven from League of Legends

League of Legends is a multiplayer online game from Riot Games. Since its first release in 2009, this game sometimes received 67 million players per month.

Redeemed Riven is the leading character in the game. Her fabulous costume looks impressive. Also, she has white hair.

Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw

For gamers, Lollipop Chainsaw is not just another video game. Adopting the zombie theme, the game is all about Juliet Starling and her adventures to fight back a zombie outbreak.

Juliet is a cheerleader, so she wears cheerleading costume and adopts a young and playful hairstyle.

Sailor Moon

This character is undoubtedly the most cosplayed character in the world. Sailor moon is the protagonist in the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi. It was published from 1991 and 1997, created a global influence of Japanese Comics.

What makes this character so attractive to cosplayers is her costume. Her hair is blonde and long.

Kagome Higurashi

Kagome Higurashi is the female protagonist in the famous series called Inu Yasha. This leading female is known to be a girl with high self-esteem. However, she, who has a warm and kind heart, always helps others without asking anything in return.

10 Best Lace Front Wigs For Cosplay Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

A day disguised in this do-gooder will be an excellent experience. Kagome’s hairstyle is super easy. She adopts a long, black hairstyle with bangs. Simple lace front wigs for cosplay will handle this cosplay with ease.

The bottom line

Lace front wigs for cosplay are the most popular items among cosplayers to create different hairstyles. There are many cosplay ideas for a female character using lace front wigs. However, we do believe these specific ten ideas will blow your mind away!

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