How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips

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Let the hair extensions be strong and healthy without caring is an impossible task. Hence, how to revive hair extensions is a skill that you should master.

When your hair extension turns bad, there is no need to immediately replace the whole new hair care product. Instead, just apply some of the following small tips. Within a few weeks, you will see that the extension has improved significantly.

Hair extensions require as careful care as our real hair. The more you care your hair extension, the longer its longevity will be. In the following post, Layla Hair will provide you with some of the essential tips to maintain a good-looking hair extension.

How to take care of your hair extensions?

How to wash your hair extensions? 

  • First, gently brush your hair. If shampoo is dense, dilute with warm water.
  • You should let the water flow slowly. Therefore, the shower should be limited.
  • Shampoos, conditioners and other medicines should be distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  • After that, rinse immediately
  • Wipe is also required carefully, you should wet the towel to remove moisture.
How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Wash your hair carefully

To avoid the hair from being entangled, you should wait until the fibers are naturally dry, and only then can you go to sleep.

Besides, you shouldlimit the use of hair dryer.

You should not go to the sauna and bath.

Tips for combing hair

Wet or even damp hair is not allowed to be brushed. You should brush three times a day.

Be sure to brush properly, keep the roots to brush from top to bottom. You can use a wide tooth comb to untangle the hair if necessary.

How to revive dry hair extensions?

Use Olive, Coconut or Argan Oil

These three kinds of oils contain fatty acids as well as other derivatives like chloride, betaine, etc. There are also other important substances such as vitamin E, vitamin K, and some minerals, which penetrate into hair roots to nourish and restore dry hair extensions.

How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Revive hair extensions by olive oil

To revive hair extensions with olive or coconut oil, you will need to prepare:

  • ½ spoon of coconut oil or olive oil
  • A half teaspoon honey
  • ½ lemon

Mix these things well to form a conditioner mask. Then, apply it into your hair and combine it with a gentle massage. Next, use a hood to cover your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water. If you do not have time to incubate your hair or take care of your hair, you can add a few drops of coconut oil to a hair conditioner to provide hydration to your hair. Additionally, it will prevent the hair from being damaged by outside factors.

Advanced Hot Water Method

There is another way to revive hair extensions: the hot water method. You might think it’s unbelievable to revive by boiling but in fact, it’s an exceptionally effective method.

The process is somewhat complicated but the efficiency will be much higher.

Use hot water to revive hair extensions

After shampooing with hair conditioner shampoo, apply the balm to the hair in the direction from the top of the head to the hairline.

Massage your hair and scalp for about 15 minutes.

Then, use a towel to soak through hot water and incubate it on your hair for the next 20 minutes (you can incubate once more to keep the heat longer) and rinse with cold water.

The Boiling Pot Method

You are too busy and do not have enough time to go to the hair salon. So, how to revive hair extensions at home? This method is a very simple way that you can apply now.


How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips
The boiling pot method

Firstly, you need to cook a pot of warm water, then add 10 to 12 olive oil, coconut or argan oil and two spoons of hair conditioner.

Next, apply the mixture on dry hair extensions and incubate for 10 minutes.

You need to let your hair cool down before opening the towel.  Again, apply the mixture on wet extensions on a towel and let them dry overnight.

How to detangle hair extensions?

Tangled hair is one of the familiar troubles that we usually encounter. Hair extension is even easier to be tangled. The causes of this problem might be natural factors like wind or sun. Too dry hair might lead to this issue, also. Some of the times, hair would become tangled just because you are too lazy combing it.

Any problems need a resolution. Our following hair removal tips will help you save your hair removal time effectively.

Here are tips to remove tangled hair at home that you can consult and apply to your hair.

How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Apply hair conditioner

Apply hair conditioner and untangle it by hand

Before untangling the hair, you should apply coconut oil or hair conditioner to your hair to make it smoother. After smoothing out with the mixture, use your fingers to gently remove the hair knots. Avoid using combs because it will stretch the scalp.

Read more: How To Remove Hair Knots In 06 Simplest Ways

Choose the correct set point

Have you ever wondered why you have to troubleshoot your hair by hand, but is there a difference between removing by yourself and your hairdresser? That’s what experience is for. Because if you have the experience, you should not use both hands to remove at the same time. Instead, use one hand to hold the hairline and the other hand to remove the tangled hair. By doing so, you will minimize hair loss.

How To Revive Hair Extensions Like A Pro With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Detangle hair extensions by hands

Wash your hair again if necessary

If you feel it is necessary to wash your again, don’t hesitate to do so.

A second reflection on the causes of matted hair extensions

However, the main cause of hair extensions is tangled due to poor hair quality. Your hair would be easier to be tangled or matted if it is a non-Remy product. Synthetic hair is also prone to damage than human hair, also. 

Jump to: Want To Master Remy Hair Care? You Need To Read This First

 To avoid this situation, you need to buy hair extensions from reputable brands. Referring to hair products, Layla hair is the leading brand in Vietnam. The company offers extended hair products of various styles and colors. All products are produced by hand from the best raw materials, thus limiting to the maximum of tangled hair condition. 

Take a look at our product lines!

The bottom line

Hair extensions help you have more beautiful, fashionable hair. It gives us beauty, confidence, personal identity, etc. Besides, sometimes hair also gives you unnecessary troubles. Therefore, reviving hair extensions is very important. Layla hair hopes that with these tips, you will understand how to revive hair extensions to improve the condition of damaged hair.

Good luck!

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