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Colored Natural Hair and Multi Colored Hair

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100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles

Hair extension has always been a wonderful choice for people who want to extend the length, increase the volume of the real hair as well as change the hairstyle every single day. That being said, it becomes increasingly popular and gains a lot of loves from the users.

Among a lot of hair extensions products, Cambodian hair weave bundles are the kinds offering a large number of advantages as well as convenience.

Read more: Where Do I Start? The Beginner’s Guide To Explore Hair Factories In Cambodia

Cambodian hair bundles

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair
Layla Hair Cambodian Virgin Hair Bundles


What is the difference between Cambodian hair packs and Cambodian hair bundles?

You must realize that Cambodian hair bundles are actually fantastic and useful if you see our comparisons between them and Cambodian hair packs.

“Pack” means the hair which is bought from the beauty supply stores. With this kind of hair extensions, people collect all of the hair strands from the combs and process by tripping the cuticles off and treat with silicone. We can also call them “non-Remy hair”. Moreover, sometimes, people even mix these hair strands with nylon threads or animal hair.

In contrast, “bundle” means the hair is ordered and does not come from any beauty supply stores. Cambodian hair bundles are only collected in the greatest and purest form. All the cuticles intact and all strands of hair run in the same direction.

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair

Therefore, unlike Cambodian hair packs that are normally cheap, easy to tangle or shed, already processed and have a low quality. Cambodian hair weave bundles are totally virgin, difficult to tangle or shed and have a really high quality. Besides, a lot of people are interested in Cambodian hair weave bundles.

Because they can treat them like their own hair such as comb, wash, color and style them in numerous different ways. If Cambodian hair bundles are taken care in a good way, they will have a longer lifespan, the wearers can use them for more than a year.

Read more: Does Cambodian Hair Hold Curls? Uncovering The Closely Guarded Secret

Where to buy cheap and high-quality Cambodian hair weave bundles?

Are you always spend a lot of time considering which hair extensions supplier is the best one who is professional and has a high reputation? Layla Hair Company must be your answer! You don’t need to worry about the beauty, the quality as well as the price of our products.

First, about the beauty, our company only uses the best Cambodian human hair which is collected from young girls in Cambodia. These women have a healthy lifestyle, wonderful methods and natural products to care their beautiful hair.

So Cambodian hair weave bundles are truly silky, smooth and shiny. You may easily see these features if you choose our products. With Cambodian hair bundles from Layla Hair, gaining a gorgeous and glamorous hair look is no longer difficult.

Secondly, we sure that our Cambodian hair bundles have the highest quality that can satisfy every prissy customer. We only use the Cambodian virgin hair to create Cambodian hair bundles.

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair

This kind of hair is well-known because it is extremely strong and durable, does not undergo any chemicals processes. That’s why there is no harm, no damage to real hair, scalp as well as the health of customers.

Finally, in spite of only using high-quality materials, Cambodian hair weave bundles in Layla Hair Company are cheap and economical. Every men and woman can easily have Cambodian hair bundles for their own. We also make a lot of discounts for customers to afford our products.


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Cambodian hair bundles come in a variety of products, colors, lengths, and styles

Layla Hair provides Cambodian hair bundles with so many different kinds of products such as Cambodian hair bundles of wefts or bulks, Cambodian virgin hair bundles with closure, Cambodian hair weave bundles,… Each kind of products has a different function and a different way to use, however, they are no doubt excellent and helpful.

Go with Layla Hair, looking for Cambodian hair bundles with trendy and beautiful hairstyles is not difficult at all. We supply Cambodian curly hair bundles, Cambodian wavy hair bundles, Cambodian straight hair bundles, and so many other hairstyles.

Besides, Cambodian hair bundles have a lot of colors such as blonde, black, brown…  and are also variations in lengths from 8 inches to 30 inches… To protect customers’ healthy, Layla Hair only uses natural products and methods to make the most gorgeous products.

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Who should buy raw Cambodian hair bundles?

Raw Cambodian hair bundles aren’t for everyone. These products are more suitable for those who want to start a hair business or DIY guru. Raw Cambodian hair bundles are the perfect material to make wigs yourself.

Cambodian hair with coarse and thick texture will turn your handmade products into valuable items. The great thing about this hair type is that it is very flexible when it comes to hairstyles. Cambodian hair texture allows wigs to hold curls, making it easier to achieve different levels of curls.

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair

Whether it is beach wavy or kinky curly hair, you can entrust it to raw Cambodian hair.

For those who want to start a hair business, bundles are always the best selling items. There are two approaches for you: selling hair or selling your handmade products.

Interesting article: Top 3 Eye-Opening Cambodian Hair Facts | 2019 Updated

How much are raw Cambodian hair bundles?

It is hard to name the price of hair bundles because it depends on many factors.

Double drawn or single drawn

The variety of hair length in one bundle can change the price ultimately. A bundle of double drawn will cost higher than the single drawn. This is because the process of making a double drawn is much more complicated. It requires more hair strands and different methods.

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair


What’s more, double drawn bundles offer a thicker look thanks to the high ratio of hair with the same length. That explains why the price for double drawn hair bundle is higher.

Is Raw Cambodian Hair Good?

Hair length

The length of hair is also a factor that increases or decreases the price. Bundle with hair length of 20 inches or above will cost more than those of 14 inches, for example. You can calculate your order by asking the price range for different hair length.

Hair type

If you want to be specific about your hair type, you should also consider factors such as donors or hair type. Virgin hair comes from a single donor will price much more than Remy hair from various source.

Where to find the trusted raw Cambodian hair vendor?

Finding a reliable raw Cambodian hair supplier shouldn’t be a challenge if you know our secrets. With years of experience in the hair business, we know everything it takes to find our a right hair vendor.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the vendor’s website. How does it look like? Is the content clear and well-written? Check the time and date of the latest blog post to see if it still functions.

What’s more, you should also find out about other social media platforms of your supplier. From different social networks, you can read mixed reviews and feedback. After that, you can decide to talk to the vendor or not.


If you want to buy raw Cambodian hair, chances are you can only find hair factory online. In this case, purchase products via the Internet could bring you both benefits and drawbacks. To minimize the disadvantages of shopping online, you should order a sample to test first.

100% Raw Cambodian Hair Weave Bundles | Layla Hair

A sample doesn’t cost much, and you have to pay for the shipping fee as well. However, by ordering the example, you will find out more about hair quality and delivery time. If your order has any problem, it is time to refer to customer policies.


Sometimes, your order will not be as you expected. The curls could be too loose; the color couldn’t be as you wish. In this case, you should ask your raw Cambodian hair supplier for the returning policies.

Companies who couldn’t give you a clear returning policy shouldn’t be on your list.

Should I work with raw Cambodian hair vendors in Cambodia?

Naturally, if you want to find reliable Cambodian hair supply, you often think about working with raw Cambodian hair vendors in Cambodia. Let’s look at the pros and cons of working with them.

The pros

•    Cambodian hair vendors offer you pure and reliable hair sources

•    Hair is locally harvested, minimizing fee for transportation

•    You don’t have to worry about mixed hair quality. Working with Cambodian suppliers, you can be sure that raw Cambodian hair is from Cambodia.

The cons

•    Hair is not 100% ethically collected. If you care about fair trade, you should do a bit of research before working with any hair vendors.

•    The shipping service may not be ideal.

•    Some can’t offer clear policy.

If you want more raw Cambodian hair reviews, please visit our blog page for more information.

Please visit to view our hair extensions collections and get many useful pieces of information.

For more information on Cambodian hair bundles, please advise the Cambodian hair bundles Description below:

Cambodian hair bundles Description

  • Style: Cambodian curly hair bundles
  • Length: from 8 to 30 Inches
  • Origin: Cambodia (only pick from 100% healthy Cambodian Women)
  • Quality: 100% Human Hair
  • Weight: 200gr to 300gr. Also available in other weights as required by customers
  • Color: Blonde, Brown, Black,…
  • Shipping method: UPS, DHL, BDEX
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