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There happens to be an underlying viewpoint that hair extension is never a safe item to use. Do extensions damage your hair? Is it really true? Or is it just prejudice and unproven opinion? Here we will reveal everything.
From hair loss, headaches, to itchy scalp, for thick or fine hair, hair extensions are always blamed to bring along adverse effect. In other words, people always think it is bad, regardless of the good-looking hair finish it boosts.
Among hundreds of reviews and articles on this issue, most of them tend to lead people’s opinion to a negative side. In the following article, Layla will get you covered with a 100% unbiased analysis on this matter.
Do hair extensions damage your hair?
Do extensions damage your hair? The truth revealed!
It’s a truth universally that technique is the main key to every problem. The case is the same with hair extensions. When someone says hair extensions are posing harm to their real hair, it’s just because they have used it the wrong way. If the extensions are professionally attached or removed, it will entail in no harm or hurt. There is nothing to worry about if you have been familiar with this lovely item.
Main reasons for hair damage
The fault does not lie in the hair extensions but the people who are wearing it. Using extensions or hair topper is not just about buying a random product and apply it to your real hair. There are lots of things to take into consideration to assure a worry-free hair finish.
Read more: Why Hair Cuticle Damage Sucks And How To Make It Stop
Human hair or synthetic hair extensions?
Statistics show that the majority of people reporting itchy scalp and hair damage are those wearing synthetic hair. Having undergone chemical processes, synthetic hair extensions tend to bring along negative effects to wearers’ hair. It might make your scalp irritating. Some of the times, it might lead to hair breakage in your natural hair, also.
In contrast, if you choose human hair, the problem will never be that serious. It is made from virgin hair and does not go through any heating or chemical processing. In other words, it would pose less impact to your crown.
Although it would cost more dollars to get a human hair wig, it is absolutely worth investing. Here at Layla Hair, we commit to provide 100% Remy human hair product to bring clients the best experience. Whether you are looking for a human hair wig, a clip in extension, or simply a virgin hair bundle, we would offer you the hair of the best quality.
Too heavy extensions might damage hair
Wearing a too heavy set of extensions would lead to hair loss, headaches, and scalp hurt. It is essential for you to determine the exact pack of extensions you are about to get. Make sure it is enough to use only; otherwise it would damage your real hair.
It is recommended that a pack of hair extension should weigh up to 200 gram only.
Reports also reveal hair damage also entails from the installation process. Because of not knowing how to apply the extensions properly, the wearers unconsciously hurt their real hair. The technique is quite simple with tape in or clip in extensions, but with complicated method, it is not a piece of cake.
Yes, we are talking about whether fusion extensions damage your hair. There is a high likelihood of making mistakes when applying this method if you are not a pro. Once you do a step wrong, it would end up with damage in your natural hair. Therefore, consulting a hair expert is definitely a should.
The safest extensions to wear
Different types of extensions would affect your real hair in a different way. Among the diverse range of options available, we reach a consensus that clip-in human hair extensions as the easiest and safest extensions for short hair ever!
Clip-in extensions do not involve any chemicals, glue, tape, or so. It consists of clips and wefts only, which is super easy to install. There will be no difficulty in removing it, too.
Clip-in hair extensions are also the best seller at Layla Hair Vendor. We provide clip-in for every type of extensions, from the straight to curly one, from full lace wigs to lace front wigs.
Read more: Clip In Hair Extensions For Short Hair – Are You Prepared For A Good Thing?
How to maintain hair extensions?
Maintenance is a must-take step if you want to own good-looking and healthy hair. If you do not take care of it, or even forget to do so, hair damage is an unpreventable result.
First, it is important to keep your hair smooth by brushing it regularly in a proper manner. I mean, try to prevent the hair extensions from messing up. Once it is tangled, it would be super hard to remove. And at the moment that you are losing your temper, you might end up with pulling the hair or even cutting it out. And it ain’t no good, obviously.
Second, avoid scrubbing aggressively or forcing the hair too much when washing, as it is exceptionally sensitive and easy to be hurt then.
Furthermore, it is about sleeping. Many have wonder if they could sleep with extensions or not. If you are wearing sew in, fusion, or tape in extensions, you can definitely sleep with it. However, we do not recommend sleeping with clip in extensions. It is easy to remove, so to avoid any damage it might cause, remove it before going to bed.
“Do extensions damage your hair” is a hot topic that many people concern about. Hopefully, our sharing above could somehow provide you an insight into this problem and help you figure out how to get the best of it.
For further information about hair extensions and hair care tips, feel free to take a look at our website! Or drop us a line via hotline: (+84) 98 96 33 424 (Mobile/WhatsApp) at any time to get support.