Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All

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Women often choose to straighten, curl, dye and so on to style they pursue. When you are engrossed in beautifying your hair with modern hairstyles, it is inevitable that your hair is severely damaged. Hair cuticle repair, thus, is a necessary step to be taken. 

A damaged hair will not be ready to style, dye, or even cause unpleasant things that affect your aesthetics. To solve this situation, you should immediately apply the following ways to recover damaged hair and hair cuticle repair quickly, safely and effectively.

Signs of severely damaged hair

Hair experts use the word «damage» to indicate that the hair is in worse condition with the appearance of the following signs:

  • Hair color is no longer original. The apparent sign when damaged hair is no longer healthy to retain its natural color.
  • Hair is often not sticky, easy to mess with wind due to loss of natural moisture as well as the soft surface.
Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
Severely damaged hair
  • Rough hair when touching. You will feel soft when touching hair from the top to the root as hair is healthy.
  • The dry hair comes with dull, easy-to-curl and splits.
  • Hair easily sinks in water. A dry strand of hair absorbs water and sinks very quickly. In contrast, healthy hair is covered with natural oil, so it sinks very slowly.
  • Loss of elasticity, no elasticity in a certain range, and easy tearing are typical of hair pulling, styling, and so on.

Causes of dry and damaged hair

There are many things that lead to damaged hair cuticle. Let’s see what they are.

Chemical process

You know chemicals in hair dyes and bleaches are not good for natural locks. They change the hair structure and affect negatively the hair. For instance, when you dye your hair, the cuticle layer will open to remove the pigments, change your hair hue. Especially, permanent hair dyes are the most devastating to your natural locks. The chemical process will make the hair strands become weak, dry, and prone to split ends. Even your hair will become dead hair once bleached. The rough hair cuticle makes the tresses look lifeless. If you dyed or bleach your mane, please take care of it carefully to avoid dry and damaged hair. 

Over-styling with thermal tools

Heat and chemicals are enemies of hair cuticles. Hence, limit styling hair if you want to keep your hair stay healthy. Similar to chemicals in hair dyes and bleach, hot styling tools will change the structure of the hair. It makes your hair shaft gets damaged and tends to fray. Heat also makes the hair cuticles open, drying up moisture that is essential for natural locks.

Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
Causes of hair cuticle damage.

Over shampooing 

Remember that shampoo hair too much is not good. Men tend to wash their hair every day, but it removes excess oil from the scalp skin, causing damaged hair men. Chemicals in shampoos, such as alcohol and sulfate, will cleanse your hair but they also strip natural oil from your skin. It damages hair cuticles and dry hair out. 

Go swimming

On hot days, people like going swimming but chlorine in swimming pools and saltwater on beach will damage hair cuticles.

5 fastest way to hair cuticle repair

You have damage hair, so you want to find the best hair cuticle repair fast. Then you should read out the ways below carefully.

Add moisture to the hair

First, adding moisture nutrients to your hair is one of the fastest ways to recover damaged hair. Just add about 15 minutes to dry your hair with warmed hair cuticle oil or conditioner, and then wash your hair. Importantly, keeping it at regular intervals (like once a week) will produce very positive results.

Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
Add moisture to the hair

In other words,  simple ways to hair cuticle repair fastest are applying natural materials which are easy to find such as chrysanthemum essential oil to make strong hair, and coconut oil help soften hair.

Furthermore, geranium is known for its health benefits. And argan oil is effective in moisturizing.

Repair keratin damaged hair with butter

Try this solution if your hair is dry and brittle. A small amount of butter makes your hair shiner and silkier. Combine to massage your scalp and hair so that all nutrition seep through the hair strands. Cover your head with a plastic cap for about 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair and rinse with warm water. 

The fastest way to recover damaged hair with coconut oil

Coconut oil contains antioxidants, essential minerals, and soluble vitamins. Furthermore, natural antibiotics in coconut oil such as lauric acid and capric acid have excellent antibacterial properties and treat dandruff better than regular shampoos.

At the same time, coconut oil has high moisturizing ability and also stimulates fast growing hair to replace damaged hair.

 Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
recover damaged hair with coconut oil

Therefore, coconut oil is considered the hair cuticle coat and also an effective way to recover damaged hair quickly by natural methods.

How to care for damaged hair with coconut oil is very simple. Apply coconut oil evenly to your hair and massage from hairline to tip to absorb nutrients. Then hold for about 30 minutes then rinse with cold water. Performing regularly 3-4 times a week will give the fastest hair care effect.

The quickest way to recover damaged hair with beer

One of the best hair cuticle repairs way is a beer which is rich in Vitamin B1; Protein helps restore damaged hair.

 Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
recover damaged hair with beer

At the same time, glucose and sucrose in beer help tighten the epidermis of each hair, making hair stronger and more natural. The fastest way to recover damaged hair is often used to beer.

After washing your hair with shampoo, you can use beer to rinse your hair evenly, and then take a warm hat or a hair-tight enting scarf. Leave for 15-20 minutes then rinse with clean water.

Do it 2-3 times a  week so that weak hair could recover quickly.

How to improve damaged hair from chicken eggs

There are many proteins and amino acids in chicken eggs that are effective in restoring hair cuticles. Using eggs is hence a good hair cuticle repair method that not only offers glossy and silky hair but also prevent split ends.

 Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
improve damaged hair by chicken eggs

You can use eggs to incubate your hair by mixing an egg with a quarter of the usual shampoo, then applying it to your hair and producing for 5 minutes, and finally, wash it off.

Or make a hair mask by mixing olive oil, honey with chicken egg yolk. Apply this mixture to your hair, massage gently for about 15 minutes, and then rinse with water. You will immediately see the change of hair after the first test.

Repair chemically damaged hair with conditioners

Your hair tends to dry and weak after dyeing or bleaching, hence you have to apply conditioner or hair mask to care for it. Applying a conditioner is one of the fastest and most effective ways to moisturize your natural locks. How to repair chemically damaged hair? After washing, take an appropriate amount of product and distribute evenly on wet hair strands, avoiding hair roots. Leave it to stay on your head for about 15 minutes and rinse through with lukewarm water. Spend time to take care of your processed hair, you will receive positive results. 

Note: Buy hair conditioners that contain natural ingredients, Make sure that they work effectively in moisturizing. 

How to recover damaged hair fastest with avocado

Avocado is a good source of protein, vitamins, and fatty acids for hair. Dry and broken hair will quickly be restored after only one week using this method.

 Get Rid Of Hair Cuticle Repair Problems Once And For All
recover damaged hair with avocado

Evenly brush butter with olive oil and coconut oil to form a nutrient-rich hair care mixture. Then, apply this mask to your hair, massage for about 20 minutes, and wash it with water.

How to fix damaged top layer of hair with olive oil

To save hair cuticle, you condition your tresses with olive oil. It is magic. Olive oil consists of large amounts of omega, acids, and antioxidants that are good for your curls. It helps moisturize, nourish damaged hair cuticle and treat flaky dandruff. This natural oil encourages new hair to grow, bringing a fuller hair look. 

How to close hair cuticle? Take olive oil into a bowl and heat it in a microwave. Rub the oil evenly on your hair and allow it to sit for 45 minutes. Once the time up, you shampoo and rinse the hair as you would normally do. Repeat this home remedy to keep the hair stay healthy. 

The bottom line

Hope that after the post, you will know more about the cause of damaged hair and the best way to hair cuticle repair. Don’t forget to visit Layla Hair website to get more useful information to take care of your hair in the right way.

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