You may be familiar with the fact that hair will become thick and shiny while you’re pregnant. In most of the cases, yes, it is. Because of the high levels of the hormone called Estrogen, this prevents hair from falling. Other women, however, experience hair loss either during their pregnancy or in the following months after delivery (known as hair loss after giving birth). So, hair loss and pregnancy, are they related?
Read more: Hair Problems For Baby: What Parents Often Miss Out
The answer is a big yes! As we all know, hair loss in women is common and can be reasoned by factors like changing in hormones, stress on the body, or your medical conditions during pregnancy.
What is the reason for hair loss during pregnancy?
Every day, both men and woman lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair. During your pregnancy, the estrogen levels are rising and hinder the natural routine of hair follicle falling. Because of this, some women may lose fewer hairs than usual while pregnant. But that’s not happened to every case.
Hormonal shift
The hair thinning and shedding can happen in some women if they’re in stress or shock. In this case, we call it with a medical term “telogen effluvium.” This occurs in a small number of women while they’re pregnant.
Read more: The Basics Of Human Hair Loss – 7 Surprising Reasons
The begin trimester may pressure the body as the hormones lost the balance. It shifts spectacularly to aid the growing infant. Stress may result in excessive hair loss on your head, for at least 30 percent than average, by putting it into the “resting” phase called telogen of the hair growth cycle. Now, you may shed 300 strands per day instead of losing 100 like usual.
Losing hair because of the changes in hormone is not happen instantly. It usually takes around 3 to 4 months to find out thinning. This condition doesn’t stay for longer than six months and doesn’t cause permanent hair loss in women.
Thyroid problems
Thyroid issues, like hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid hormone) or hypothyroidism (not enough thyroid hormone), may be severe to notice during pregnancy.
Among the two problems, hypothyroidism is more typical, affecting some 2 or 3 out of 100 pregnant women. Hair loss is one of the symptoms, besides muscle cramps, constipation, and exhaustion. Approximately around 1 out of 20 women may also encounter thyroid conditions (postpartum thyroiditis) hair loss after giving birth. In every case, thyroid issues are commonly recognized with a blood test.
Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency occurs when you don’t have enough red blood cells needed to get oxygen to different parts of the body. It can lead to hair shedding besides other symptoms, like fatigue, disorder heartbeat, struggle shortness of breath, and headache.
Your hair may not return to its standard thickness until hormone or vitamin levels have returned to normal ranges.
Pregnant women are at high risk of having iron deficiency anemia, especially if their pregnancies are spaced tightly together, they’re pregnant with multiple times, or they have acute morning sickness. This condition can also be diagnosed with a blood test.
While hair loss with these conditions isn’t last forever, your hair may not return to its standard thickness until hormone or vitamin levels have returned to normal ranges.
Postpartum hair loss
The hair loss sometimes happens within a few months after delivery, typically four months after giving birth. This is not real hair loss, just an “immoderate hair falling” caused by a decline in the hormone Estrogen.
Likewise, this kind of hair shedding is reasoned telogen effluvium. At first, this may be quite disturbing to notice more than 300 strands falling every day, but don’t panic. This condition usually ends on its own and don’t need any treatment.
Other factors
It’s essential to remember that hair loss and pregnancy is associated with telogen effluvium. This is generally uniform shedding. If you see patches or more severe balding, that must be other factors at play. You also want to consider genetic and autoimmune issues. These will lead to hair loss even you’re not pregnant.
Androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness in women) is evoked by a brief growth phase of hair follicles and an extended time between losing hair and growing new one. You can have this while you are pregnant cause it’s possible.
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What to do with hair loss and pregnancy?
Hair lost throughout and after pregnancy may need no particular treatment. It normally can cure on its own after some time.
Doctors can prescribe you minoxidil (Rogaine) if your hair growth doesn’t come back to its old levels, but this medicine is not recommended to take while you’re pregnant.
If you’re in conditions such as hypothyroidism or iron deficiency anemia, consulting with a doctor to search for medication or nutrient supplements that will make your levels back to normal. This should aid start the growth cycle once again.
Don’t freak out when you notice that your hair is losing.
Most of the treatments for other issues, such as androgenic alopecia, are not suggested throughout pregnancy as well. The doctor may recommend you attempt low-level laser treatment (LLLT), which apply red light waves to boost hair to grow, instead of using medications.
How to prevent having pregnancy-related hair loss in women?
It is not sure that you may do anything to stop hair loss or thinning while you’re pregnant. It varies in each case and depends on the root of hair loss and pregnancy.
But we can recommend to you a few things worth to try:
- Having a healthy, balanced diet. Pay particular attention to consuming enough nutrients like protein, iron and other vital ones. Ask your doctor about the most suitable prenatal vitamin for you, can be over-the-counter types or by prescription.
- Consulting with your doctors about if any chance your medications or supplements you’re taking can cause to hair loss. It’s the same case with hair loss and birth control.
- Washing your hair delicately and use a wide-toothed brush to refrain from pulling hair to harsh while you’re detangling it.
- Letting your hair rest. Stay away from rough treatments like using hot rollers, curling irons or any permanent treatment.
- If you’ve been through hair loss and pregnancy, you may want to try volumizing shampoos and conditioners. This kind of formula will help to weigh your hair down. While conditioning, don’t forget to put on the ends of hair and not the scalp for more lift.
Hair loss and pregnancy are related, and we understand that it may make you panic us first. After reading all our tips, we hope you have more knowledge to deal with this matter. Good luck!