How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow

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Finally, you’ve come across your dream set of hair extensions and imagined beautiful things to come. But you are struggling with the task of clipping them into your hair. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place to receive the most comprehensive guide on how to clip in hair extensions.

This guide is of great help for beginners who feel confused about where to put each weft or how to style the extensions to blend with their natural hair.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
clip-in hair extensions

Although clip-in hair extensions are popular among women nowadays, many girls often feel nervous or uncertain because they’re not familiar with the clipping process. But after reading this post, they will find the task of having soft and luscious hair a piece of cake.

Besides, the process only takes several minutes of your life and promises no harm to the hair. How amazing does it sound!

Let’s get started with essential tips to create beautiful clip-in hair extensions for yourself!

How to clip in hair extensions — A general guide

Before we go into the details of each hairstyle using the clip-in technique, let’s walk through the basic of how to use clip in hair extensions to get an overall view

  • Step 1

Brush your hair with a soft brush to avoid any tangles or frizz

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
brush your hair first
  • Step 2

Separate a thin section of hair by hands or using a comb and secure the remaining hair by a hair clip. Use a three clip weft and brush it flat before putting into your hair. Next, work from the bottom and gradually move up.

  • Step 3

Take out another thin section of hair one-inch above the first clipped weft and hold the remaining hair by hairclips. Use a four clip weft and repeat the same process in Step 2.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
clip the first weft into your real hair
  • Step 4

Separate the third thin section of hair one-inch above the second clipped weft and secure the remaining. Take out the larget four clip weft, brush it out, and measure to make sure it fits the top of your head.

  • Step 5

Take out the fourth thin section 2-inch below your head’s crown and secure the other with a hairclip. Use the third three clip weft, find the center of your head, and clip into the roots of the hair first. Then continue finishing the side ones.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
add another weft into the hair

Now you can see all of the wide wefts behind your head have been clipped in.

  • Step 6

You use the two clip wefts for both sides of your hair to add more volume to the hair. Besides, these wefts make the hair blend perfectly with long hair extensions.

Separate a thin part of hair 2-inch above the ear in one side and hide the remaining hair from view. Take a two clip weft and secure them closer to the back of your head.

  • Step 7

Clip two sets of one clip weft into a small section of the hair that stays closest to the hair roots. You can perform this step in any areas where you think they need more blending.

Lastly, brush your hair and do a double check in the mirror to spot any visible wefts. Make adjustments if necessary and enjoy your new fabulous look!

How to clip in hair extensions short hair

There’s always something funny and unintelligible about women — they want to cut their hair today but need it as long as possible tomorrow! So what’s the solution?

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
short hair

It’s time for clip-in hair extensions to show off its magic. Thanks to the help of these amazing hair products, you can get the best out of both long hair and short hair without worrying about commitments or damages.

  • Step 1

Leave a small amount of your hair out and pin up the remaining. Next, comb the pinned up section and secure it with some hairpins. This is where you will start clipping your first hair extension.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
pin up a part of your real hair
  • Step 2

It’s advisable to use Ombre or balayage extensions to create impressive highlights to your hair. The dark ombre colors often blend better with the hair at the bottom of your head. On the contrary, balayage works well on the top of the ends of your hair.

  • Step 3

Use a four clip weft and repeat the same techniques as instructed in the general guide part. The use of colors offers natural yet outstanding effects on the hair, making you stand out among the crowd.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
place clip-in extensions into your short hair
  • Step 4

When you reach the widest part on your head, it’s time to let three clip wefts do their magic. You will put these wefts side by side, and they tend to overlap each other a little bit.

  • Step 5

Keep in mind that the purpose of using clip-in hair extensions is to cover your natural short hair as much as possible. This means you will feel your hair extensions stay higher on your head, so continue clipping the extensions until you reach the top.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
short hair before and after using clip-in hair extensions
  • Step 6

Make necessary changes at wherever you see it lacks volume or length. Next, curl the top layer of hair, both the extensions and your real hair, to create a smooth and seamless transition.


How to clip in hair extensions for a ponytail

A high ponytail is such a wonderful and dynamic hairstyle for summer hangouts. Follow these steps below to create a gorgeous ponytail by using clip-in hair extensions.

  • Step 1

Brush both your hair and your extensions. The softer the hair is, the easier you can style it!

  • Step 2

Separate your extensions based on their size. Think about where you’re about to use them and arrange the order if needed.

  • Step 3

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
ponytail extensions

Divide the hair into three equal parts — one at the front, one behind, and one in the middle. Pull the behind section into a small ponytail, which works as a base for your future-to-be ponytail.

  • Step 4

Use the bigger extensions first and clip them upside down under your crown to ensure they lay flat when you pull them into a ponytail.

  • Step 5

Work with smaller extensions around the original ponytail and space them evenly.

How To Clip In Hair Extensions In Less Than 5 Minutes | Easy Steps To Follow
hair before and after using ponytail extensions
  • Step 6

Cover the remaining extensions and hide them from view with the help of hair tie or bobby pins

  • Step 7

Brush the ponytail and add accessories or light spray to keep the hair in place. Enjoy your new style!

The bottom line

A comprehensive guide on how to clip in hair extensions promises to become every girl’s new buddy on the way to becoming beautiful and amazing!

Remember to follow LaylaHair‘s steps carefully to achieve the best results!

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