How To Make A Wig With Bundles? – The In-Depth Guide

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Nowadays, you can easily find a beautiful wig all around the market. Go to a hair store to buy a hair directly or place an order online. Although pre-made wigs are available, some wig users still prefer making their own. For starters, making a DIY wig is not a piece of cake to start, it’s a little far fetched and complicated. It comes to many questions, like “how to make a wig with bundles” or “can I make my own wig without closure.” Making the hair by yourself? It requires your proper knowledge of wig making and a lot of your patience. This post from Layla would get you covered with what you have to prepare on how to make a homemade wig.

What type of wig do you want to make

In the first step, you have to determine what kind of wig you are going to make. In the market now, there is a variety of hair wigs, such as full lace wig, lace frontal wig, lace closure wig, and so on. For example, a lace frontal wig is made with a piece of lace with 13×4 in size and 2-3 hair bundles.   

Continue, narrow down the hair type you use to make a hair wig. Two common hair types are human hair and synthetic fibers that are used to create a hairpiece. The benefits of these hair types are nearly endless. However, people tend to choose raw human hair to make the hair as it looks more natural. Also, there are so many options when you shop human hair extensions, from raw straight hair, curly hair to kinky curly hair and so much more. 

How To Make A Wig With Bundles? - The In-Depth Guide
different types of wigs

Wig making supplies

Now that you have narrowed down the hair wig you want, you need to have all suitable tools to make a wig with bundles. You will need: 

– A wig head or mannequin head

– 3-4 hair bundles in the same length

– Wig stand

– Curved needle and weave thread

– Adjustable wig cap

– Wig combs or elastic strip

– Scissors

– T-pins or any safety pins

– Lace frontal or closure (optional)

How To Make A Wig With Bundles? - The In-Depth Guide
prepare to make a wig

How to make a wig with bundles no closure

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to make a wig without a closure:

Step 1: Set up

Mount the wig head on a wig stand and make sure that it is stable. Or you can set it down on the table and use tape to secure. Then cover a cap on the wig head and secure it in place with T-pins. 

Step 2: Sew the hair row by row

Now take a hair bundle and start sewing. If you are at the first time making your own wig, you can measure your head size and cut the bundle into small pieces that fit your head. If not, you can fold the hair while sewing.

It would be better if you start from the back and start sewing the hair. Create two tight knots in the first hair bundle to make sure that it is kept well. Continue sewing until you have the first hair row, then move to the next one. Make sure you create a neat and bumpy-free hair track. When you reach the end of the first bundle, keep going with the second and third ones. When you get to the front, you cut the hair so that it is not bulky. Leave a small U-part section on the forehead of the wig cap. 

How To Make A Wig With Bundles? - The In-Depth Guide
how to make a wig with bundles

Step 3: Continue sewing in the front of the wig

You start sewing hair in the U-part to make it look fuller. Take the rest piece of your hair bundle and sew it into the cap. This part is small so you need to be more careful. When the cap net is full of hair, you have your own hair wig. 


Step 4: Adjust the hair

This is the last and important step on how to make a wig with bundles. It decides how natural your hair system is. This is the last and important step on how to make a wig with bundles. It decides how natural your hair system is. Go with your concealer or whatever you want to use to make-up the cap. Choose the concealer close to your skin tone so that it looks natural. Part the hair wig in the middle or leave it in a free-part hairstyle if you want. Ta-da! Rock this hair wig now.

How to make a wig with glue for beginners

How To Make A Wig With Bundles? - The In-Depth Guide
how to make a wig with glue

This process is so simple and easy. Instead of using a curved needle and thread to sew the hair, you prepare glue. You apply a glue gun on the wig cap and then lay the bundle or weft on the glue areas. Apply pressure to make sure the hair is stuck into the glue. Keep going until you have a wig head of full hair. 

You can do the same process as you want to make a wig with three bundles with different lengths. Once you have done, your hair wig appears in layers. 

In addition, wig wearers can create a lace frontal wig or lace closure wig by themselves. How to make a sew in wig with closure? How to make a wig with a lace frontal? Instead of using all hair bundles, you need to sew a closure and a frontal in the front on the cap net respectively. 


For those who want to make a hair wig without purchasing pre-made hair, learning how to make a wig with bundles is exceptionally important. Layla hopes that our guide can somehow brainstorm you the way to create your own hair. Don’t hesitate to try it. If you fail at the first try, it is normal. Do not be discouraged! We believe that you will succeed in the next tries. Your effort will bear fruit. 

Wonder how to make a wig with closure for beginners? Or how to make a wig with a free part closure? Remember to follow our blog to know more. We have interesting writings showing you how.

If you need consulting on human hair wigs or related things, drop us via the WhatsApp button or text via email. We are willing to answer your questions. 

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