4 Winning Tactics On How To Prevent Gray Hair You Can Learn

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It’s a fact of life that gray hairs appear when you are around 40-50 years. But some also have gray hair when they are young. They feel uncomfortable with their hair color and find different ways to conceal their hair defects. There is no exact technique to reverse gray hair. Here’re several ways on how to prevent gray hair that professionals have discovered. Read on to the end to find the best one for you. 

What makes hair turn gray?

Before digging into the solutions for gray hair, you should find the main reasons causing it. As we said, the older we get, the gray hairs start to set in. It is an inevitability when we are the 40s, 50s, or older. However, hair experts said that some of us might notice first gray strands in the 30s or sooner. Hence, age and genes may decide when you start to go gray. When we get old, our body will produce less melanin that affects your natural hair color. 

Next, stress causes early gray. The hair color may turn gray if you are experiencing intense pressure. 

Additionally, lifestyle is another reason resulting in early gray strands. Eating habits, smoking, and drinking alcohol make you look older, and your strands produce less color. 

4 Winning Tactics On How To Prevent Gray Hair You Can Learn
gray hair

How to prevent gray hair?

Get enough vitamins

How to prevent gray hair vitamins? Malnutrition deficiency contributes to causing gray hair. Research and get food resources containing B vitamins, vitamin D, E, and A. 

A study showed that people who had low vitamin D levels experienced premature gray strands. Besides, you have to supply enough vitamin B12 as it is associated with hair problems. 

Food sources that can reserve gray hair:

— Fatty fish, like tuna, salmon, etc.

— Orange juice, soy milk, or oat milk

— Cereals

— Beef liver

— Cheese

— Egg yolks

Avoid intense stress

4 Winning Tactics On How To Prevent Gray Hair You Can Learn
avoid stress

What makes you feel stressed? You have a hundred works to run and tasks to complete today. You are injured and feel stressed. All of them can accelerate the graying process. 

To stop grey hair permanently, you try to control yourself and avoid stress if possible. Bear in mind that when your body is under intense stress, melanin — the cells responsible for natural hair hue may be depleted. 

Stop smoking

Not only bad for health, smoking also speeds up the gray hair prematurely. Researchers have discovered that smoking habit is linked with prematurely gray hair as it causes less producing hair pigmentation. They said that smoking has adverse effects, including gray hair, in people of all age groups. We mean that this bad habit accelerates the aging process on your skin and hair, resulting in gray hairs.  

How to stop grey hair from growing? Quitting smoking right now as a way to protect yourself and the people around you. Quitting smoking right now is a necessary way to protect yourself and the people around you. It would be better to make lifestyle changes and keep your natural hair hue as long as possible.

Take supplements to reverse gray hair

Can you reverse gray hair? Our answer is «Yes.» But before taking, you have to be screened for any deficiencies. Consuming medicines, including minerals, like calcium, copper, iron, protein, and zinc. Most pros said that these minerals would slow down or reserve the premature graying process if you get enough. 

4 Winning Tactics On How To Prevent Gray Hair You Can Learn
supplements for gray hair

Several best supplements for gray hair reversal:

— Inositol

— Niacin

— Pantothenic Acid B5

And more.

Remember to consult your hair doctor before taking any supplement for hair. They will test and determine what makes your strands turn to gray and advise you on any solutions. 


Home remedies for grey hair

If you prefer treatments on how to prevent gray hair naturally, try using these remedies for gray hair. These includes:

Coconut oil

How to reverse gray hair with this natural oil? Coconut oil is known as magic for all hair types. It nourishes, moisturizers, as well as adds more shine to hair strands. 

To fight with the hair graying process, you can use this oil. How-to-do? Before going to bed, you should massage coconut oil onto your natural locks and let it stand overnight. Then rinse it in the next morning. Repeat this tip frequently to reserve hair gray. Also, you can create a mixture of coconut oil and honey too. 

Black tea

Try black tea if the above tip cannot work for you. To prevent gray hair, you mix black tea and salt in the ratio 1:1. For example, you can make a cup of black tea and one tablespoon of salt. Stir with a cup of lukewarm water until the mixture is liquid. Then, apply the mix on your head, start from the hair roots. Let it stay on your mane for at least 1 hour before rinsing thoroughly. Wash your hair with shampoo as usual. 

4 Winning Tactics On How To Prevent Gray Hair You Can Learn
coconut oil vs black tea vs baking soda

Repeat this tip several times, you can notice the improvement on your head. 

With baking soda

The advantages of baking soda for hair are fantastic. It works to clean your locks while treating hair loss at the same time. This magnificent treatment is also fighting gray hair. 

How to prevent gray hair with baking soda? Firstly, rinse your hair to get all dirt and grease out of your curls. Next, mix baking soda with water in the 1:1 ratio. Don’t overuse baking soda as it may dry out your hair. Put the mix on hair strands and run your fingers through to distribute it evenly. Leave it set for a few minutes and then rinse away with cool water. 

Don’t repeat this way every day, just twice per week. Washing hair with baking soda also adds a healthy look and shine to your mane. 

The bottom line

We do hope that these treatments on how to prevent gray hair help you someway. With them, you should be able to get a perfect hair look.  

Of course, the amount of information we share will not be enough. Do you have any other surefire ways? We are willing to hear from you! 

Should you have any related inquiries, please do not hesitate to leave comments below. Thank you!

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