Learn How To Secure A Wig Within 5 Minutes

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Most users of hair wigs and other extensions may be familiar with the conventional ways of application. But it is quite a difficult task for newbies. How to secure a wig? How long does a human hair system stay on the head? It depends. 

Are you interested in it? Why don’t you take a quick look below to discover how it is applied!

How to properly secure a wig 

Method 1: With tape

Do you know how to secure a wig to a bald head? We recommend using adhesive, such as tape or glue. But which form of adhesive should I utilize? You can purchase tape in various brands and forms, such as buying a roll, strips, or piece. If you buy a roll tape, cut it into small sizes that fit your head. If you prefer convenience, opt for pre-cut strips.  

Many wearers say that tape is the magic way to hold a hairpiece. It works effectively, that’s why most celebs prefer it above any other application method. But each product has different hold levels. When applied properly, the adhesive tape will secure the hair even when dancing. Often, users utilize double-sided tapes to wear their hair. Plus, tape for wigs is invisible, so no one can detect whether you are wearing fake hair. 

Learn How To Secure A Wig Within 5 Minutes
how to wear a wig with tape

How to secure a wig on shaved head with tape

– Cleanse your scalp and hairline to get rid of dirt and oils that may prevent wig tape from sticking to the skin. 

– Apply a thin layer of scalp protectant to stop the tape from damaging your scalp. Don’t skip this step if your skin is sensitive. 

– Peel one side of the tape and place it along with your hairline. Start at the front of your head and move to the nape of your neck. 

– Remove the rest side of the tapes and place the system along with the adhesive. Adjust the hair and press firmly to secure a capless wig. 

– Style the hair so that it looks natural. 

Method 2: With glue

Like wig tape, glue is a kind of common adhesive. It is the best method to secure the wig on areas you do not have hair. Most glue brands provide intense hold levels; hence, it will hold your wig for a long time, up to 2-4 weeks. What’s more, wig glue is clear and leaves no stains on your scalp. 

Glue works to guarantee that the hair system will not fall off. When removing the hair, you should use remover or alcohol otherwise it can rip out hair strands and tear the lace.  

Wonder how to secure a wig to a bald head female with glue? Similar to attaching a wig with tape, you have to cleanse your scalp first. Roll a thin layer of glue along your hairline and wait until it dries. Apply the second layer if needed. Situate the hair and press it down onto the glue area. Continue waiting for about 10 minutes before styling it.  

Learn How To Secure A Wig Within 5 Minutes
wear a wig with glue

In some cases, you still have hair on your head, consider moving on to the next method – without adhesive.

How to apply a wig without adhesive

Method 3: With bobby pins or clips

Your tress is thinning, you would like to buy a hair replacement system to get fuller hair look. But how to secure a wig on short hair? Is there any way on how to secure a lace front wig without glue? Consider using pressure sensitive clips or bobby pins. These accessories will keep the hair in place for a long time. They help you enjoy every good hair day without worrying it can be fell out or flown off.  

Learn How To Secure A Wig Within 5 Minutes
use bobby pins and clips to secure your wig

Some hair systems are available with clips. They are sewn directly into the wig cap; thus, it is a great option if you want to keep the wig last longer. If you don’t like clips, opt for bobby pins with the same color as your wig. 

Apply a wig with clips

Firstly, braid your natural locks and pin them up. You can wear a wig cap so that it can hold your hair in place. 

Turn the inside of the wig out and open all clips. Put the hair in on your head and adjust so that it fits your desire. It would be better if you line up the center part of the wig at the center of the forehead. Then lock all the clips and style the hair with a rat-tail comb. 

What’s about using bobby pins? How to secure a wig with bobby pins? Similarly, braiding your natural locks and pin them up. Place your wig on your head and pin around the outsides of the hair system. Add bobby pins at your temples and around the nape of your neck that keeps your hair in the right place. 


Method 4: Use grip band

How can I keep a lace front wig secure? With a grip band, it can hold the hair system without combs or adhesive. The item is stretchable and easy to attach on your scalp. You should select a grip band that makes you feel comfortable, such as velvet. Plus, the wig grip band is lightweight, it will not cause any headache. 

Whether you have short or thin hair, using a grip band is ideal for securing the wig. It is completely safe for your skin, no irritation. You can easily find this product everywhere, including on Amazon. It also comes in an assortment of colors, choose the one that easily blends your natural locks. 

Learn How To Secure A Wig Within 5 Minutes
securing a wig with grip band

Besides the above-listed methods, try using others to secure a full lace wig without glue like using a cap. Consider and choose the best method to make sure you have a secured hair wig. 

To sum up

Do you use human hair wigs? Don’t hesitate to learn how to secure a wig with no hair or with hair. Follow our shared methods to keep the hair system on windy days. 

What is your favorite wig application method? If you have other effective application methods, let us know in the comments below. Want to learn more about how to make or take care of hair extensions, browse to our website. 

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