Is 150% Density Good For A Wig? We’ll Give You The Truth

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Dive into the hair world for the first time, there are a lot of terms you have never heard before. You will see many new words, such as hair extension, wig, hair density, volume, and so on. Today, we only focus on hair density. Do you want to have a thick or thin hair wig? The popular answer is «I don’t know» or «Never think about it.» A too thick hair system is not an ideal selection as it makes the hair look unnatural. Medium hair density is better. Now, together with Layla Hair to find the answer to the «is 150% density good for a wig» question. Let’s get started!

Hair density definition 

Before going for the main topic, you should get the basics about hair density definition. This term refers to the overall thickness of hair strands on your head. It means that hair density displays how close the hair is packed together on your head. For example, your hair density is the number of hair strands counted on one square inch on one’s head. Many studies show that we have averagely 2,200 hair strands of hair per 1*1 inch area. 

Some people confuse the definition of hair density with thickness. Indeed, they are different. Remember that thickness refers to the width of the hair strand while the density is the amount of hair strands on the head.

Is 150% Density Good For A Wig? We'll Give You The Truth
hair density chart

Today, when buying a hair extension or hair wig, women tend to pay attention to the density. They want a good-looking hair item with a suitable level dense. Do you know how many kinds of density for a hair accessory? Is there any difference between 130 vs 150% density wig? Here are the three most popular dense levels for the hair system you should know:

– 130% (light density): This level brings a natural hair look as it mimics the appearance of thin hair. But it is not too thin. It is suitable for a full lace wig. You can part and style your wig for a human hair wig in light density.

– 150% (medium-light density): How dense is 150% wig density? Many wig users choose this level when buying a hair system. Together with 130%, it offers a realistic look, thus making your hair wig undetectable. 

– 180% (medium density): This popular density is preferred by the young who want to have beautiful tresses. A wig with this density is easy and comfortable to wear.

130 vs 150% hair density

Put simple, 130% density is the standard level for all hair systems while a hair with 150% is slightly fuller. All of them provide a natural appearance, not too thick or thin. 

There are other less-seen density levels for hair such as 90%, 120%, 200%, and more. In general, the hair manufacturer will create the wig according to customers’ requirements. Tell them the level you want or the best one that fits you perfectly, they will customize your hair. 

Is 150% Density Good For A Wig? We'll Give You The Truth
150% density

Is 150% density good for a wig?

As stated, this level suits all wig wearers, for both men and women. It is not too thick or thin. Remember that the hair density also affects the base design of your wig. Hair manufacturers have to use the right base that can hold the density well. However, 150% density is great, it is not heavy, offering a comfortable feeling. The level of density allows your natural locks and scalp to have room to breathe. 

If you want to buy a curly hair wig, opt for this density. Not only make the wig appear more realistic, it also helps the hair look thicker than usual. We commit that it is the best solution for those who are experiencing excessive thinning hair. 


What to consider before buying a wig with 150% density?

Your human hair density

What is your natural hair density? It is very necessary when you wear a wig with your existing hair underneath. If your hair is thick, you can ignore this level. Otherwise, your hair will appear quite bulky and unnatural. You should wear a 150% density wig if your human hair density is the same or thinner. Please choose the hair the same density as your natural hair.

Is 150% Density Good For A Wig? We'll Give You The Truth
care your natural hair density

The hair length

You love long hair, you really want to have a long wig. You should go for a hair system with 150%. Choosing your hair length between 16-20 inches is perfect. We recommend using medium-light density instead of the extra-heavy one. You can choose a longer bob hair wig as it is on-trend and makes you look younger.  

The hair texture you choose

As we all know, the texture of the hair system also affects its density. For example, you should choose a medium or heavy density if you reach a straight hair wig. For curly hair, it always looks fuller, so 150% is perfect. Consult the hair density chart and consult the hair sellers to get the best pick. 

Base material

Is 150% Density Good For A Wig? We'll Give You The Truth
some base materials can’t bear too high hair density

The durability of the hair is decided by which material it is made of. If you choose a hair at 200% density, you could not use the Swiss or HD lace. Because these lace materials are fragile and thin. For many years in the hair field, we suggest using French lace whether your hair is at any level of density. It is more durable. You can use Swiss lace for 150% density wig if you are looking for naturalness. But be careful when using and styling to keep it last as long as possible.

To sum up

Now you have a deep insight into the 150% density wig meaning and hair density in general. You may answer the question «is 150% density good for a wig?» or «what is the most suitable hair wig for you»? Want to buy a 150% hair wig, browse to Layla Hair’s site or contact us to shop for qualified hair products. 

Layla’s proud being one of the leading hair vendors in Vietnam. Just tell us your hair condition, our professional staff willing to help you find a wig with suitable hair density. We supply all types of hair systems at any density levels. Feel free to reach us. 

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