Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!

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Losing hair at 25 male is a common problem and is often hereditary. Hair loss in men tends to start at the age of 20-25.

Although hair loss is not harmful to health, this problem is sure to cause emotional stress. Especially, hair problems can lead to a reduction in self-confidence and self-esteem in men.

If men start to see their hair get thinner, don’t stress out! This useful quiz will provide everything men need to understand about hair loss, its treatments, and styling options.

How hair loss occurs?

Sometimes, losing hair at 25 male can be the results of medication, stress, or unbalanced diet. But most of the time, the reason for hair problems in men is androgenic hair loss, also known as men’s baldness.

So what is the reason for thinning hair in men? During androgenic hair loss, the male hormone (DHT) makes hair cuticles shrink. In the end, hair cuticles start to shrink so much that they aren’t able to maintain the hair, causing hair loss.

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!
Sometimes, losing hair at 25 male can be the results of medication, stress, or unbalanced diet.

The extent to which the hair is affected by DHT is because of genetics. Losing hair often starts at the temple and the crown, creating a horseshoe pattern.


What are the treatments for hair loss in men?

Losing hair at 25 male is very common and natural. Remember that most men will experience some levels of hair thinning in their life. But if they want to treat the problem, there is some treatment options.

It’s easier to keep the hair that we have rather than trying to regrow it. This is the reason why it’s of great importance to find out hair problems as soon as possible and look for treatments right away.

Corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroid injections aim at curing patchy hair loss in men. The injections contain steroid injected into the patches of hair loss areas a few times. This treatment works by stimulating the immune system’s attack on hair follicles.

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!
The injections contain steroid injected into the patches of hair loss areas a few times.

The injection also encourages hair growth in the thinning areas by injecting many times per week for four weeks. This treatment is the most effective for small patches of hair loss.

Minoxidil lotion

This is another option in treating losing hair at 25 male. Applying minoxidil lotion to the scalp stimulates hair growth.

This treatment is a slow process and often shows results after 12 weeks or even one year.


Immunotherapy is available in specialist centers as a treatment for complete hair loss. Even so, less than 50% of people who choose this treatment see hair regrowth worthy.

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!
Even so, less than 50% of people who choose this treatment see hair regrowth worthy.

Application of a chemical solution known as Diphencyprone (DPDP) begins on a small area of the naked skin. Users use a stronger dose each time and carry out the application every week.

This treatment works by causing an allergic reaction in the skin. In some cases, this leads to hair regrowth in 12 weeks. But immunotherapy is likely to cause some side effects such as the development of rash and patchy-colored skin, or severe skin reaction.

Besides, the treatment requires people to wear a hat or scarf over the treated area for 24 hours because the light can interact with chemicals.

Hair transplant

Some gentlemen seek a more durable option, which is hair transplant. This refers to surgery and local anesthetic.

Take a small section of the scalp from a hair with many hairs. The surgeons remove this part and divide into single hair strands or groups of hair. Next, they graft the hair onto areas where they suffer from hair problems.

The hair under the hair transplant tends to be durable and starts to grow after six months.


Also called Propecia, Finasteride refers to oral medication for hair loss. The medicine becomes effective by preventing the production of DHT, which is the hormone that causes hair loss in men.

Finasteride slows down the hair loss process and improves the condition by 30% in 6 months. But this type of treatment is likely to produce annoying side effects. Similar to minoxidil, the results will cease after we stop using medication.

What about styling tips?

A flattering haircut

Just because we have thinning hair doesn’t mean we have run out of styling options gentlemen!

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!

It’s advisable to keep the hair on the short side. Pay a visit to a hairstylist and ask for a haircut for thinning hair men.

Products for thinning hair

Make use of shampoo and conditioner to clean. We also advise men to give up heavy styling products like gels and ointments. Instead, go for texturized sprays.

Hair building fibers

A simple way to get rid of hair loss temporarily is adding hair building fibers. Made from the same protein with the hair, these fibers stick to the hair and create a fuller look right away. Besides, they are undetectable.

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!

What are the benefits of wig wearing over these treatments?

The treatments for losing hair at 25 male involve injections, lotions, surgery, and so on. But they aren’t the most effective methods for all types of hair loss in men. Besides, these treatments can be very costly and slow, not to mention the possible side effects.

In this case, wig wearing will be a great option. Wigs are always available at any time, blend with the natural hair, and come with a variety of styles and colors.

Losing Hair At 25 Male Will No Longer Be A Nightmare If You Know This!

With a huge number of available wigs on the market nowadays, there is always something for every type of hair loss in men. Choosing a wig doesn’t mean we need to cover the whole head with a full wig. It depends on our hair loss degree whether to cover all or only parts.

For thin and fine hair, hair toppers are a perfect companion to conceal hair loss areas, bringing a fuller and thicker look to the hair. With the thinning happening at the front hairline or temples, clip-in fringes are just what we need to cover it.

Moreover, if light to medium hair loss occurs at the parting or crown, short hair toppers can become an effective coverage. And finally, with extensive and complete hair loss, it’s advisable to look for a full wig, a powerful “assistant” to gain back the confidence.

The bottom line

Losing hair at 25 male can be very annoying, but Layla Hair’s dedicated team of experts is always there to help the gentlemen find their perfect wig.

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