Virgin Remy Hair Cost: Why Knowing The Price Saves You From Bankruptcy

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Virgin Remy hair cost may vary significantly, and the price range begins at hundreds of dollars exceed to a few thousand dollars.

The final price will mostly depend on several factors. They include the type, quality, amount and length of hair as well as the method of hair application.

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Another thing is that you should include in the cost equation is the time required in hair application.

Factors affect the Virgin Remy hair cost

The variance of Virgin Remy hair cost is due to some elements. Besides the kind of hair, there are some other aspects affecting their value, and the main factors are as follows:

Amount and length

The more and longer hair you would like to wear, the higher the price that you have to give away for the hairstyle. The best amount will mostly depend on the size and length of your hair.

And in case, you have a desire to possess long hair; you should need to pay more.


The high-end choice is the Remy hair extension. One of the specific element of this hairstyle is that the cuticle layer stays intact. On the other hand, other popular types of human hair comprise Vietnamese and Cambodian hair.


Last but not least, hair extension cost also relies on the option as well as the way used in its application. There are several types of application for this kind of hair.

Buyers should notice them consider the price of virgin Remy hair once seeking a suitable payment for their choices, such as Weave, Micro Ring Loop Hair, Cold Fusion Bonding or Hot Fusion Bonding. The prices change between these above, different applications.

Virgin Remy Hair Cost: Why Knowing The Price Saves You From Bankruptcy

Buyers should notice them consider the price of virgin Remy hair once seeking a suitable payment for their choices.

When buying high-end hair extensions, you need to choose those who seem healthy and enough. There are retailers who offer Indian hair with bad quality at prices which seems to be good bargains.

In case you hope to get an ideal value for your money, you should avoid these hairstyles. Many of them look dry and stringy on the ends.

  • Geographical Place – Both Remy and Virgin are generally more expensive when purchased in big cities. This same rule also applies when collating the cost of them in more costly communities to the less costly in the suburbans.
  • Durability – There are certain hairstyles that remain longer than others. In most cases, the high-end and more expensive ones will be longer. The duration could be 12 months even with continued use.

Maintenance Cost

Another significant aspect of Virgin Remy hair cost is about its care and maintenance. You should come to the hair salon monthly to take care of your hair. A visit seems cost you approximately $50 – $100. The amounts are average values.

The price could only increase and also even exceed to $10,000 in case you are going to see the high-end and exclusive salons.

How Much Do Hairstyle Cost?

What aspects should be involved:

  • The style;
  • Bonding methods include braiding, weaving, sewing or fusion;
  • Colors of the hair;
  • For the way and how many extensions are being applied. After application, the creator will trim the hair for a blended look.

Extra costs:

  • Bonding techniques demanding simple application help the bond stay in the best shape.
  • As hair rises, the hair needs trimming. These costs are similar to a traditional haircut.
  • Color touch-ups are also essential
  • As hair grows, hair extensions should need taking out and applying once again; they usually remain about four to six months. This process may cost as much as the first.
  • Removal, which might require an or two hours.


  • Some places will charge an hourly rate to apply the hair you buy yourself.
  • Using a «weft» – a grouping of hairs which have been sewn together.
  • Clip-in hair extensions could be used for an inexpensive, temporary style.
  • Some hair stores give you discounts for some particular customers.

Below we recommend herewith the feature between Remy and Virgin hair cost

Human hair extensions, cherished by most women, are in high demand. It becomes more and more popular among women all over the world today.

When it comes to real human hair extensions, many people assume that all hair types are relatively the same, such as human hair, Remy hair,no-Remy, virgin hair weave and so on.

There are many differences among them.

Remy hair

This trendy style of hair is considered to be the high quality of human hair that means the hair’s cuticles are kept intact and always going in one direction.

Virgin Remy Hair Cost: Why Knowing The Price Saves You From Bankruptcy

Human hair that means the hair’s cuticles are kept intact and always going in one direction.

Here are the specific features:

  • The term Remy means the characteristics of the hair and the way used to make the hair extensions.
  • Remy hair extensions are the most common human hair extension available on the market because of its quality and price.
  • Remy hair is a high-quality hair that remains stable up to a year and blends well with your natural hair.

Because of the method of collection, Remy hair is in pretty rare and expensive.

Virgin hair

Virgin hair is chemically unprocessed human hair, which is gathered from a single donor. The virgin hair is Remy hair that is never altered by dyes, perms, bleaches or harsh washes.

Virgin hair is greater precious and costly, so it has been the best product so far. But both of natural hair and Remy hair are smooth, stable with ideal shape and quality.

Virgin Remy Hair Cost: Why Knowing The Price Saves You From Bankruptcy

Virgin hair is greater precious and costly.

So you can consider virgin Remy hair cost to buy natural hair or Remy hair, we think that you could choose according to your budget, and find which one is you want to purchase. In general, you should choose extensions that fit your preferences.

The bottom line

Hopefully, we have a want that with above-provided information, you can have the fullest tips about the price of trendy hairstyles. If you like this article, please share it with your network and family to build a community of virgin Remy hair cost.

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