Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?

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When hair weave has become a haunted item, wholesale hair weave business is hence rocketed. However, as this field is kinda like a niche market, there are not so many experiences shared. In other words, newcomers are likely to go the wrong way when finding the right partner for your newly born business. 

Similar to other businesses, to operate a hair vendor, it is important to choose reliable suppliers. Not only does it affect the price, it would contribute largely to the quality of the products, also. Therefore, it is exceptionally significant to consider the suppliers well in advance so that everything of your business afterward would be smooth.

In the following post, Laylahair would like to share the secrets on how to become a successful hair weave business. All the criteria below are essential for you to learn.

No bias in choosing wholesale hair weave supplier

Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?
do not always stick to one supplier

The first thing you should know when deciding to choose the best wholesale hair weave is that there is no conflict of interest in hair weave wholesale. Ideally, an exclusive distributor will be selected, only focusing on a single product manufacturer. If an exclusive distributor does not establish, it is acceptable for the distributor to trade other products, not as a direct competitor.

Distribution experience

To choose the right wholesale human hair weave, you should focus on the experience of your distribution. It is best that the distributor has experience in trading or distributing goods in the same field. This thing would help significantly in building networks and making things go smoothly. Knowledge and relationships with the distribution system and local authorities would be a huge strength to lay on.

Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?
wholesaler’s experience in hair weave business

Furthermore, when you choose a wholesale human hair weave with many years experiences in hair weave business, you can rest assured about the quality and price of hair products. Therefore, it is the most crucial role when speaking of the way to choose wholesale hair weave.

Read more: Best Wholesale Hair Suppliers: How To Find It? This Will Help You Decide!

Independent distribution department

Some people told that having an independent distribution department is not essential things when selecting the best wholesale hair weave, but it is a wrong thing. When manufacturers support salaries and bonuses for salespeople, it is imperative that distributors have a separate sales department, only for the benefit of the manufacturer. Warehouse management and use may be shared with other companies’ items, but distribution must be independent. Its control and reporting system must monitor this distribution department.

Logistics capabilities

Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?
consider logistics capabilities

An excellent wholesale hair weave is that distributors must establish a delivery system from their warehouses to all shops in the designated area. There should have a certain delivery time that the hair weave would take to arrive. Some manufacturers may also require distributors to be able to ship goods from manufacturers’ warehouses. Moreover, you should remember that logistics also affect the quality of hair weave in particular and other hair’s products in general. So, you should focus on the logistics ability of your wholesale carefully before deciding on long-term cooperation.

Store of wholesale hair weave

Distributors must have enough space to store the goods, making sure not to miss the cave in any case. The size of the warehouse depends on the speed of the delivery. The frequency of the distributor’s order with the manufacturing company would be important, too. 

Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?
measure the productivity of the factory

To be specific, to have a good business with a wholesaler, the number of your monthly orders should be at least persistent, or about to rise. In other cases, the suppliers should be capable of manufacturing enough number of products as per requests.

When a wholesale hair weave has enough space to store hair weave, types of hair weave will abundant, and it means that customers will have more choice when choosing hair weave.

Management ability

Distributors must manage the supporting parts for distribution such as accounting, logistics, informatics smoothly and synchronously. Distributors also need to have a solid information management system. This is in order to meet the manufacturer’s requirements for ordering methods, types of sales reports and inventory.


Legal status

It is the most important rule when choosing the reputable wholesale hair weave. The distributor must be a legal entity under the law with the function of distributing goods. For individual business items, which have separate regulations of the state, the distributor must also meet these requirements or regulations. You should remember that the reputable wholesale never break the rule anyway. Furthermore, sure that you don’t want to buy your product at somewhere you do not follow the right.


Why My Wholesale Hair Weave Business Is So Much Better Than Yours?
Customer service is essential, too

The spirit of cooperation in implementing all distribution policies of manufacturers is also an essential criterion that manufacturers are interested in the process of building a distribution system. Furthermore, when a wholesale shows your enthusiasm with your customers, it expresses that the wholesale wants to sell your product and take care of your customer.

Furthermore, never do business with any wholesale even they sell the right product. It would be nothing if they do not take care of their customers well. 

To Sum Up

Hope that after the post, you will know more about useful and necessary tips when choosing the right wholesale hair weave as Layla Hair.

Layla Hair is the reputable wholesale hair weave which provides types of human hair weave from 100% natural hair. Layla Hair offers a wide range of hair products. We also supply customers with customized items, regardless of the quantity. Besides the high quality of our products, Layla Hair also has an enthusiastic team who will support customers 24/7 and always brings the most useful and exact advice. Moreover, Layla Hair understands our customers’ need. We also well comprehend the business demand for general beauty products. We have built a secure connection with every customer. These factors explain the reason why thousands of customers always satisfied with Layla Hair’s care.

Apart from that, if you need more useful and necessary information about hair or hair extension, take a look at our website. We have lots of interesting things for you to learn! 

For further information, please kindly contact us via (+84) 989 633 424 (Mobile/WhatsApp/Viber/SnapChat). We are always happy to support!

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