What Is Frizzy Hair And How To Tame It? Read This First!

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There is nothing worse than bad hair day, and all of us may experience bad hair days. You don’t want to go out, even don’t like yourself when standing in front of the mirror. Dry, oily or frizzy hair is the main reason causing bad hair days. 

Often, curls appear in many shapes, sizes, and prone to frizzy hair. For some curlies, the fight against frizz is common, as a daily battle. Therefore, you have to know clearly about your enemy. Do you know what frizzy hair is? Keep reading our words to learn more. 

What is frizzy hair?

The peculiarity of hair texture is determined by our genes. Frizzy hair or curly is the common hair type in Africa and the strands are structured in a helix. This hair type has 12 times more ripples than hair type of Europeans. In each undulation, the cuticle layer is strongly flexed, which may be broken. 

Dry, damaged, straw-like or rough are words used to describe the frizzy hair. Frizzy hair is fragile; hence, it is easily damaged. If your scalp does not produce enough natural oil, your hair tends to brittle and frizzy. Also, use improper products also make your hair becomes worse. 


Why is my hair so frizzy?

What causes frizzy hair? The first thing leads to this hair condition is the humidity in the air. That’s why most people hate summer weather. Experts say that humidity is the main cause of hair problems, and frizz is the worst. While others suppose that this unwanted thing is caused by hot water. Be careful when washing your mane with too hot water because it also dries the hair out quickly.

The next reason we want to mention is the lack of moisture. Your tresses tend to dry and brittle. Curlies with dry frizzy hair happens when the strands are dry and the cuticles are rough. Hair cuticles are the outer layer of strands and responsible to take moisture from the air. 

Frizzy hair is the result of over-styling with heating tools. If you style the curls with heating tools daily, this will strip natural oil and moisture out of your mane. Not to mention, we know, these styling tools such as hair straighteners, curling irons, hairdryers, can cause hair damages. If you were born with curly hair, avoid using too much heat and chemicals on it. 


Additionally, shampooing your mane every day is another culprit. It is no secret that using shampoos, containing sulfate or alcohol, will mess your natural locks equilibrium. Instead of washing hair daily, 2-3 times weekly is perfect. After washing, you use a towel to squeeze water out of your hair. But do you know that a rough bath towel can draw the moisture out of your mane quickly? To control your frizz, use a microfiber towel instead. The item also helps you reduce hair damage caused by incorrect drying.

How to get rid of frizzy hair?

You are trying to keep your hair looking smooth and shiny. We have good news for you. Here’re top frizz-fighting tips.

Style with a good haircut

How to fix frizzy hair? Tame dry and dead hair ends. Remember, split ends may expand and travel up the hair, causing more frizz. Thus, it is best to get a good hairstyle when you start noticing the sign. Opt for a hairstyle with blunt lines if you are living in a high humid region. This hair can keep weight in the hairstyle and keep the hair down.

Well-nourished to tame frizzy hair


Please wash wisely. Say no with products including alcohol and sulfate. These items tend to dehydrate your tresses, causing the hair to lack moisture. To fix frizz, select a shampoo with hydrating ingredients. For instance, you can use an item with glycerin content because it helps your hair absorb more moisture in the air. It also forms a protective layer coating over the hair.

How to smooth frizzy hair? Condition, condition, and condition your mane. Both men and women need to apply conditioner to keep the hair stay healthy. After shampooing, condition the hair to lock in natural moisture. But, don’t condition all the strand. Focus on the hair roots and along the length, don’t apply to the roots. 


Reduce friction

On the way how to make hair less frizzy, you should use a towel turban to squeeze water and dry your mane. Don’t rub the hair with a towel aggressively as it may disrupt the hair cuticles. Prevent friction contributes to reduce frizz. 

Besides, sleeping with a silk pillowcase. If you wash hair at night, let it dry and tie it into a loose bun if you want to keep a perfect blowout the next day. If you toss and turn when sleeping, this can keep your natural locks from moving around. Use a wide-toothed comb to brush the hair instead to cause less friction. 

Avoid “cooking” your mane

The heat will burn your hair if you use it incorrectly. Overuse anything is not good. To make your tresses not frizzy, we suggest avoiding styling hair with heating tools, even limiting the use of hairdryer with a diffuser. Let the hair air-dry is the best way.


Consult your hairstylist

If you find the best treatment on how to make hair less frizzy, continue using it. Talk to your hairstylist is a good method to tame frizzy hair. They know which hairstyle works best for your hair type. Additionally, they have a host of hints to help you escape from bad hair days. 

In a nutshell 

It is of vital importance that you protect and maintain your natural locks properly. Why is my hair frizzy? We think you have your own answer. Once you care for your hair well and properly, all days are your good hair days. Don’t skip these tips to remove frizzy hair cause maybe in the future, you will need it. 

Have any other questions, please contact Layla Hair or browse our’s site. Thanks a lot. 

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