The A – Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read

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Have you ever found a huge knot on your hair after waking up? Or realizing your hair gets exceptionally messy after coming back from a roller coaster at the amusement park? No matter how serious the problem is, there would be only one thing in your mind: you want to get these knots out! Keep your patient and use the right tools, then you will be done with the best way to get knot out of hair.

How to get knots out of hair – Preparation

Calm yourself

I don’t know if this thing happens to you but in the past, whenever I saw my hair tangled, I would definitely get mad. With such a serious OCD symptom, I cannot act like anything if seeing anything dirty or messy. I used to find any ways to get rid of it fast. As a result, my hair was terribly damaged.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
Hair knots might make us feel irritated

That’s why I’m saying you need to keep calm first. Do not try to rush the process or your hair will even be worse. It always takes time, effort, and of course, patience to get knot out of hair effectively. Let’s take a deep breath, turn on some funky music to get the mood on, and start to handle.

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Prepare the necessary items

It is never an easy task to remove hair knots by your bare hands. The use of supplementary tools will be of significant help. You will need to prepare a hair conditioner, detangler, or any other lubricants such as olive oil or coconut oil. Furthermore, use a wide-tooth comb rather than a brush to avoid further knotting. Scissors will be also important in case you need to cut some of your hair.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
Essential tools to get ready

And of course, don’t forget the clamps. It’s a must-have item whenever you have to deal with your hair.

There is one thing to bear in mind: the products for different hair texture are different. Some might fit curly hair, while others are specialized for a straight one. There are special products for baby hair, also. Hence, pay serious attention when choosing detangling hair products.

How to get a big knot out of your hair?

Now that you have well prepared, it’s time to work on the knots. It’s advisable that you should follow the steps above:

Section your hair

First and foremost, you need to isolate the hair knots and make it easy to approach. You can use plastic clips or clamps to section the hair. Try to separate the hair that is not knotted so that it won’t end up in the mess.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
divide your hair with clips

Once you have done with any knotted section, it’s better to clip in on with the smooth one to avoid it being matted again. Braiding is not bad an idea, also.

Spray detangler onto your hair

Once the knots have been well separated, spray a detangler onto your hair and wait for some minutes to let the hair absorb it. In case you are not using a spray but oil or gel, then rub it into the knots using your hand.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
spray detangler onto the hair

Use your fingers to comb the knots

Use your finger to comb your hair, starting from the hair tips and move upward. Gently slide your fingers through the knots. Do not rush or tug when seeing a knot, just slowly detangle it and continue combing. It sounds to be a super easy method, but the result will be overwhelming.

Comb from the bottom of the knots and move upwards

So as to get a huge knot out of hair, never pull the knots but start from the bottom of your hair instead. You should use a wide tooth brush to comb slowly from the bottom of the knots to gradually remove it. Once the bottom is smooth, then move up to detangle the knots.

It is important to be gentle when combing. Once you tug and break the hair, it would lead to further knots. Also, in case the knots are too difficult to detangle, apply more detangling product onto it.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
use your fingers to comb the knots

Remove the remaining tiny knots with your hands

After a while, you start to feel that now you can comb your hair smoothly without encountering any big knots. However, there might still exist some small knots on your hair, which the comb cannot recognize.

If so, use your fingers to try to loosen the knot and see if you could remove it. In the worst situation, when you can’t do anything with it, use scissors to get knot out of hair.

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How to prevent knotted hair?

Now that you have been successful with how to get knot out of hair, it’s significant to prevent it from further tangles. Followings are some small tips you could take:

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
braid hair before sleeping

Braid your hair before sleeping

Braiding or pineapple-ing your hair would work effectively in preventing hair knots. You can also use a silk pillow, a bonnet, or a hair net to decrease friction when you are sleeping.

Trim your hair

If you notice any hair breakage or split-ends, you had better cut it out. You should do this task every three months to ensure all the dead hair is removed.

No matter how much you love every inch of your hair, dry and frizzy hair absolutely needs removing. Don’t worry because your hair will grow back, and look even better.

The A - Z Of Get Knot Out Of Hair You Should Read
apply hair treatment regularly

Apply hair treatment regularly

To maintain healthy-looking and smooth hair, you need to apply hair treatment on a regular basis. You might come to a hair salon to have the hairdressers do it for you, or just simply do it yourself at home. It’s better to use organic products, also.

It’s never a piece of cake to earn and maintain soft and smooth tresses. Your hair needs taking care properly. Do not feel irritating and lose temper when your hair is matted. Be calm and find ways to get knot out of hair as effectively as possible.

Layla hopes that the all-inclusive guide above could somehow help you figure out your problems and lead you the ways to deal with it.

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