Learn How To Remove Ash Toner From Hair Without The Help Of Pro

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It’s common to color your mane with trending cool tones like ashy blonde these days. It gives wearers a classy and stylish hair look. But hair coloring is not an easy job. You have to go through several steps to achieve the desired hair color. Most beauties use ash dark toner while removing their orange and yellow brassy tones, but not all of them are successful. The result is that they cannot obtain their favorite toned hair. Nothing to tense about it, however, there are definitely solutions. How to remove ash toner from hair? We are going to help you find it. Keep reading to get some easy and simple tips to get rid of ash toner from your tresses. 

What is ash toner?

Toner is a common hair product that is utilized to tone the hair. Specifically, it works to neutralize orange, yellow, and brassy hair shades on bleached hair. Ash toner is a kind of cool tone that looks bluish-greyish-silverfish. 

Toning is not a challenging process and you can do it at home to cancel out the unexpected color on your head. But what happens if you apply too much ash toner on your hair, and it makes your hair looks ashier than you wish. How to remove ash toner from hair? No need to panic! Down below are easy tips to consider:

Learn How To Remove Ash Toner From Hair Without The Help Of Pro
ash toner

Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo

As we said women use ash dark toner to do away with brassy toned hair from blonde, but it is not always successful. And you are failed in getting perfect colored hair. On other hand, your hair tends to be too ashy when you apply too much toner. 

In this case, you should invest in a clarifying shampoo containing acetic and citric acid. And of course, this item is much stronger than other ordinary shampoos. The product is now available at most drug, hair, and beauty supply stores. A clarifying shampoo works effectively to remove the toner because its strong ingredients tend to strip color. How to remove ash toner from blonde hair, follow these steps below: 

Step 1

Detangle and wet your mane with lukewarm water. Then apply a generous amount of clarifying shampoo to your head.  

Other tips:

Step 2 

Massage your hair so that the shampoo can saturate into the hair strands. You should pay attention to the affected hair areas that look almost ashy. Let it sit on your mane for 4-5 minutes to get rid of the ash tone without leaving irreparable damage. 

Step 3

Wash your hair off with warm water to eliminate shampoo. You should use warm water as it helps open up hair cuticles, allowing you to wash the ash toner out easily. 

You should rinse your hair 1-2 times to take away stubborn ashy tones. 

Learn How To Remove Ash Toner From Hair Without The Help Of Pro
wash your hair with clarifying shampoo

Step 4

Follow with a deep conditioner or hair mask to protect your hair from future damage. You apply the conditioner to every hair strand, from root to tip, and leave it on your head for 10-15 minutes. Finish with washing it off with water. 

You have to repeat this tip a few times in a row if you have a lot of ash toner on your head. Keep doing until you get a better result. Besides, you can replace your clarifying shampoo with dandruff one. It also helps in lightening your dark ash hair tone. 

Use a hydrogen peroxide paste 

Believe us! The use of hydrogen peroxide is great for lightening up your dark and grey ash toner from blonde hair. 

The first thing you should do is to create a smooth paste that contains hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Wondering how to remove grey ash toner from blonde hair? You take these two ingredients and mix them well in a plastic bowl, with no use of metal tools. Now, you apply the paste all over your hair, avoid the hair roots. Wait for 10-15 minutes and you rinse it with fresh water. Remember to check your hair every 3-5 minutes.

Nevertheless, you should check the paste on your skin before covering your hair. If it causes skin irritation, stop using it to avoid adverse effects. 

Learn How To Remove Ash Toner From Hair Without The Help Of Pro
hydrogen peroxide might help

Other home remedies to get rid of ash toner

Here are several helpful and productive home DIY remedies to wash the ash toner out of your hair: 

Lemon juice mixture

Lemon juice is great for getting rid of ash toner from your mane because it contains citric acid. For better results, you should mix lemon juice with a conditioner to make a thick mixture. Because bleached blonde hair is vulnerable, the conditioner will work to protect and moisturize hair strands well. 

What do you prepare? You mix one tablespoon (tbsp) of lemon juice with a quarter-sized amount of conditioner. The mixture can slightly bleach your hair without damaging it too much. Depending on your hair thickness, you can adjust this recipe.

Learn How To Remove Ash Toner From Hair Without The Help Of Pro
lemon juice and conditioner

Apply the mixture to your tresses, from roots to bottom tips. Run your fingers through the hair to distribute the mixture evenly. So wait for 10 minutes so that lemon juice works to remove a pale ash toner from bleached blonde hair. Don’t leave it longer than 10 minutes as the lemon juice will be drying, resulting in hair dryness. Rinse your hair with water until the mixture is gone completely. Repeat this method a few times if your hair is still ash toned. But do it once every two weeks to avoid drying hair. 

Additionally, you can consider using color removers, chamomile tea, or baking soda to cancel out ash toner from your hair. These ingredients have a little amount of bleach, so they don’t harm or damage your curls.  

In some cases, planning a trip to your hair colorist is a good way.  The pro will use accurate colors and techniques to take off your ashy tone or whatever you want. 

Take a look at our ash hair:

All in all

That’s all we want to talk about simple ways on how to remove ash toner from hair. If you still get stuck with ash toner on your hair, follow one way we have mentioned and remove them. Hope you find your own way and get your desired hair shade without any hassle.  

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