Lace Frontal Horror Story: My Personal Experience When Things Go Wrong

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I can guarantee with you that everyone has at least one dull moment in their life. It is unavoidable and normal. And I have to admit that so is my lace frontal horror story.

Read more: My Horrendous Hair-Loss Journey With Full Lace Wigs Synthetic

So, sit back, grab your snacks and gossip the stress away with me. Let me tell you my bad experience with lace front wigs. Think of it as a lesson passed around in our sisterhood so you can avoid my mistakes.

Here it goes, my dumb try with lace frontal.

How did I get around to using lace frontal?

I am like that friend of yours who can be very self-opposed. This means my mood can swing so fast that sometimes I even lose track of it. And the same thing goes on when it comes to style and beauty.

There are days when I throw on my casual clothes and do not even put on make-up. In contrast, there are days when I dress to the nine, rock cat eyes and dark lips.

Lace Frontal Horror Story: My Personal Experience When Things Go Wrong

I decided to upgrade my hair game to a new level but without doing permanent changes to it.

During one of the up days of mine, I decided to upgrade my hair game to a new level but without doing permanent changes to it. After reading a hefty sum of online reviews, lace frontal is the one I wanted to give a go at.

The next day, I ordered a piece quite lovely from the Internet. It was jet-black, medium length with large curls. And I have never been one that is good with crafty things. Installing this was one of those things.

Still, confident as I was, I decided to save myself some money and tried to learn how to put on through tutorials on Youtube. I thought to myself: “How hard can this be, right?” But boy how wrong was I. That very decision was precisely how my lace frontal horror story started.



How did I get this lace frontal on my head?

The beauty gurus made it look super easy putting them on. Just a few steps and you would have for yourself a stunning mane of hair. So, I just went ahead and did what I saw to do in the videos.

Basically, from what I have read at the time, there are two options available for me: either sew in or tape in. And “sew” sounded too intense and dangerous for me, so I opted for the latter one.

On the morning of that day, I did recruit the help of my best friend. This was because I thought it was much better to have some sorts of guides since I do not have eyes at the back of my head.

Lace Frontal Horror Story: My Personal Experience When Things Go Wrong

She helped me divide my hair into five sections and braided them. She did an excellent job with them, making them all flat and even. Now that was the easy part of the whole process.

The next part was to fit the stocking cap on and install the piece. After the cap was on, we went on to grab the glue and apply a thin layer around my hairline. The lace part, of course, had been adjusted to fit my head well enough.

When the adhesive started to get tacky, we put on the lace frontal and fasten the strap. However, this was when things started to show signs of a lace frontal horror story. The glue was not able to hold the piece in place.

Lace Frontal Horror Story: My Personal Experience When Things Go Wrong

The glue was not able to hold the piece in place.

The joint looked conspicuous and unrealistic. There were a lot of slips and slides going on. Still, after fumbling for quite a while, it seemed out to be quite decent and okay looking.

There were no apparent bulges and harsh edges, so we decided to wrap it up and call it a day. The whole process lasted for about four whole hours. It was already afternoon when we finished.

How did things start to go wrong?

So, after a few hours of self-admiring our seemingly “masterpiece,” things started to turn into a lace frontal horror story. The whole wig was slipping down and to the back.

There was a white residue of the glue where the piece’s hairline was. At this point, if you had been looking at me, you would have been able to tell that something was going on.

Also, the lace frontal was creating a constant weight around my head that I could not feel comfortable with. So, with the most prominent soured mood on, I took the piece off.

Lace Frontal Horror Story: My Personal Experience When Things Go Wrong

After a few hours of self-admiring our seemingly “masterpiece,” things started to turn into a lace frontal horror story.

Ridding the adhesive from my skin and unbraiding my hair were reasonably comfortable. However, little did I know about what was waiting for me the next day I woke up and looked in the mirror.

My skin has always been sensitive but not overly so. And it seemed that the glue was too much for my forehead to handle. I had these little bumps broke out all around my hairline.

And let me tell you, those bad things took a long time to disappear entirely from my life. So, that was the reason the next time I tried the piece on; I went to a professional to get the thing done.

Things turned out perfectly, and I did not have to deal with any consequences whatsoever.

So, if you know how to use these babies, they can be one of the most useful sidekicks in your beauty game. If you do not, they can be nasty enemies.

The bottom line

Hopefully, you have learned some lesson from my lace frontal horror story. Believe me; your first experience can never be as bad as mine if you avoid all the mistakes I made on that try.

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