Treating Hair Loss In Women: Is There A Way Out?

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In the previous post, we have talked about the causes of hair loss in women. Once you have identified the roots, it is important to find proper solutions for it.

Treating Hair Loss In Women: Is There A Way Out?

Read more: Hair Loss In Women: Finding Out The Causes Of This Abnormality

You don’t have to look elsewhere!

In this article, we will talk about treating hair loss in women and possible solutions for your hair problems.

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The life cycle of your hair

Do you know how much hair you have? The answer is varied from person to person. However, the average amount is roughly hundreds of thousand strands. Interesting enough, each of your hair strands is at a different phase.

How much your hair sheds per day depends on different factors, such as nutrition, stress and styling to name a few. Also, hair never stays on our head forever. It dies at the end of the growing cycle.

The growing cycle

When hair finds its way out of the follicles, scientists call it the anagen phase. In this stage, hair will develop one inch in every month. 90% of your hair is still in this initial stage.

Hair loss occurs during this stage is called anagen effluvium.

After the anagen phase, hair enters the new one called catagen. Roughly 2% of human hair is in this phase. Hair in the catagen will stop growing. This phase lasts for about two to three weeks.

Last but not least, the telogen phase marks the end phase of hair growth. Hairs in this phase are known as club hairs. Around 8-9% of your hair is currently at telogen phase.

Hair loss occurs in this phase is called telogen effluvium. Though this problem is temporary, you can experience excessive hair loss within a short period. Stress, hormonal imbalance can also contribute to telogen effluvium.

Treating hair loss in women – Is there a way out?

It is apparent that there are so many causes of hair loss, from pregnancy to stress. Treating hair loss in women seems to be complicated and impossible in some cases. However, the real situation isn’t that desperate.

Hair loss from hormonal imbalance such as stress or menopause doesn’t require treatment. These changes are impermanent, so your hair will restore its natural stage sooner or later.

Treating Hair Loss In Women: Is There A Way Out?

Hair loss from hormonal imbalance such as stress or menopause doesn’t require treatment.

If you suffer from nutrient deficiencies, the only way to get your hair back is to change your diet. By using supplements, eating healthy food and through the guidance of nutritionists, you can effectively combat to hair loss due to lack of nutrition.

In case the leading cause of your hair loss is from female-pattern baldness and alopecias, you need to address it with a medical approach. The treatment can last for several months to years due to the severity of your condition.

Treating hair loss in women with female-pattern

Minoxidil topical

Minoxidil topical is also known as Rogaine, used to treat alopecia areata and androgenic alopecia. You can buy it in forms of liquid or foam. This over-the-counter medicine should be applied daily on your scalp.

Using minoxidil topical, you will encounter more hair loss at first. Your hair will get thinner for the first period. However, after that, it will start to grow again after six months or so.

Some people will also experience some side effects such as irritation, itchiness. You shouldn’t let the medication come in contact with other parts of your body since it could trigger hair growth.

Prescription Spironolactone

If you suffer from hormonal imbalance and want to restore your body’s equilibrium, prescription spironolactone is a choice. It addresses hair loss by controlling your hormones.

Also known as Aldactone, this medication ties to androgen receptors and controls the body’s testosterone level. According to the FDA, this drug is only useful with androgenic alopecia.

You should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using it frequently.


Topical tretinoin, generally known under the name of Retin-A, is used together with minoxidil to treat androgenic alopecia. An overdose of tretinoin can cause hair loss as well.

That’s why you should not use this medication without doctor’s permission.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma is a relatively innovative method to treat severe hair loss. This method consists of three steps: taking human blood from the patient’s vein, processing the sample, and injecting the sample to the scalp.

Treating Hair Loss In Women: Is There A Way Out?

PRP method helps to regrow 40% of the hair

A recent study shows that this PRP method helps to regrow 40% of the hair. However, you can’t see the effectiveness immediately. This method requires regular injections within six weeks.

Ketoconazole Shampoo

The shampoo contains 2% of Ketoconazole is another way for women to deal with androgenic alopecia. Ketoconazole is a type of drugs in the form of shampoo. It includes antifungal agents as well.

The chemicals of this drug help to restore the body’s creation of testosterone into balance level.

How do you know your hair is over shedding?

It is a little tricky to count the total hair we lose within a day. So, how do you know your hair is over shedding? There is a brilliant way though!

You need to do a bit of math, but it won’t make your hair falls for that. What you need to do is to grab a section of hair with your thumb and forefinger. Gently tug your hair.

Treating Hair Loss In Women: Is There A Way Out?

Don’t do it with force otherwise; your hair will fall more than what you want. Then slide your fingers along the hair strands to the end. The rest is simple. You need to count how many hair strands are shredded.

If you have over six strands, chances are you are having some hair problems.

The bottom line

Treating hair loss in women could take a long time and effort, so you need to be patient. Some hair problems will not require treatments; others will ask you for medical care.

We hope that this article has given you the answer you are looking for. Follow Layla Hair blog for more information about treating hair loss in women and hair care tips!

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