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Avocado is a delicious fruit that is very good for your health. The fruit contains fat and essential minerals that make it a great ingredient to any meal. But do you know that avocado oil is good, too? The oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help tame your curls while moisturizing the scalp. How to use avocado oil for hair? Is avocado oil good for hair?
About avocado oil
Avocado is rich in essential nutrients and vitamins that people eat all over the world. It is consumed as a superfood and has many beauty benefits. For example, fresh avocado is packed with vitamins A, B, E, which is excellent for hair and skin. Also, potassium and lecithin in the fruit help boost hair growth.
What is avocado oil? Often, the oil is pressed cold from fresh avocados. Debbi Burnes – a beauty expert, shares that avocado oil is amazing for hair. It is rich in fat, vitamin E and D, offering soft and smooth hair strands. When applying to hair strands, avocado oil will penetrate deeply into the hair shaft, restoring split hair ends and moisturizing all strands.
Most people use avocado oil for natural hair to avoid dryness and breakage. They use it as a hair mask. In addition to vitamins and fat, the oil contains lipids, which helps prevent hair from environmental factors, such as pollution.
Avocado oil vs coconut oil for hair, which is the better one? Both of them work effectively on your natural hair. But if you are shy to apply oil in your strands as it makes hair look oily, try using avocado oil. Unlike coconut or olive oil, avocado oil is relatively lightweight. It leaves no oily coating on your fine hair. It can penetrate into the hair shaft, follicles, and scalp, and it does not sit on top of strands.
Alternatively, the oil is also used as the healthiest cooking oil out there since it is completely safe and natural.
Avocado oil benefits for hair
Absolutely! You can use avocado oil for your tresses. Here’re the benefits of avocado oil:
Boosting hair growth
What does avocado oil do for your hair? As we stated, avocado oil is rich in vitamin D that is necessary for hair regrowth. It contributes to creating the generation of new hair follicles. Apply the oil to all strands and your scalp to maintain and encourage hair growth.
Also, a 2015 study indicated that essential minerals in this oil to seal cuticle cells, which protect hair from breaking.
Moisturize your scalp and hair
Use the best avocado oil for hair to add moisture and strength. The cold-pressed oil is packed with oleic acid and monounsaturated fats. It will not leave on top of your strands, it soaks into the inside and moisturize natural locks. These fats also improve your hair condition, strengthen and prevent hair from split ends and breakage.
Treat dandruff and psoriasis
You feel itchy when dandruff appears. You’re annoyed with white flaky as your scalp is dryness or psoriasis. Try applying natural oils, such as coconut oil, avocado and olive oil, etc. to reduce these bad conditions.
When you put oil, you should massage so that it can penetrate to hair and scalp. It adds moisture to soothe the skin, prevent dry scalp, and add shine to strands.
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Offer UV protection
The benefits of avocado oil for skin and hair are endless. Just like fresh fruits, avocado oil also contains vitamin E and B-5. It creates a protective layer that can reserve all hair damage caused by Sun’ rays. Vitamins work to repair your curls and promote hair health.
If you don’t apply oil, add more avocado to your regular diet or use avocado cooking oil to reap the best benefits.
How to use avocado oil for hair growth
Are you ready to start getting avocado oil benefits for natural hair? Follow our simple instruction:
– You prepare pure avocado oil first. Take 3-5 drops of the oil in your palm and rub all strands. You can add some drops of tea tree oil, olive oil, or castor oil for hair as needed.
– Massage the avocado oil into your scalp to promote the blood circulation. This helps add moisture to the scalp, strengthen hair strands, as well as encourage hair regrowth.
– Coat an even layer of the oil to your curls to lock in moisture and pop up them all day. You can use it after shampooing as an alternative to hair conditioner.
If you don’t like to apply the oil directly to your natural hair, add it to any store-bought shampoo. Then you wash your hair as you would normally do with shampoo. Not only cleanse, it keeps your strands away from dryness and breakage.
Some avocado oil uses for hair
Is avocado oil good for your hair? Of course. It is even used in different ways to benefit your mane.
– Hair mask: For a gorgeous look, we suggest mixing organic avocado oil with egg white and honey to create a mask. All these ingredients will work to fortify and promote hair moisture and strengthen hair growth. Once you have done, slather the mix all over your scalp and natural locks, leave it for about 20 minutes before rinsing it.
– Intensive hair treatment: Before going to bed, you should warm up the oil and massage it to dry hair. This helps you feel relaxed and nourish all hair strands. Covering your hair and leave it overnight, and you can enjoy soft and silky hair the next morning. If you are experiencing hair loss, the treatment is for you.
What’s more, the oil is good for a scalp boost. Scanning through tons of reviews, we notice that avocado oil is a scalp-friendly mask, fighting scalp flaking and dryness. You will need the oil, yogurt, and probiotic capsule, then mix them in a 1:1:1 ratio. We mean that if you take a tablespoon of avocado oil, you need a tablespoon of yogurt and one probiotic capsule, and blend them. Gently massage it to the scalp in circular motions and let it sit for 15 minutes before shampooing. Also, you can use this paste for low porosity hair to improve your hair condition.
We cannot wait to hear about your results after using avocado oil for hair. Don’t hesitate to share it with us.
For more hair care tips and tricks, browse our website. And you can incorporate natural oils into your regimen for shiny strands.