Do Women Like Bald Men? Love Yourself & They’ll Love You Back

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A man, who is concerned about going bald, always takes into account some questions: Do women like bald men? Would you date a bald guy?, or Are men with a head full of hair are more attractive? 

So, we decided to determine if baldness affects your attractiveness. The answers may surprise all guys. Many say that they are not concerned about the balding spots as you always think, as well as others say it is a matter. Let’s discover what women say about balding men. 

What men with balding spots feel like?

Have you ever tried to accept anything that you do not expect? You are so confused about whether it is good or not for you. If so, you may probably understand how a balding man feels. 

When men are aware that their natural locks lose excessively and the hairline is getting higher, they become self-conscious. They generally think that these are signs of aging, and they are losing attractiveness. Hence, many males try to find the best and effective way to improve or conceal their hair issues. 

Do Women Like Bald Men? Love Yourself & They'll Love You Back
bald men

A man often asks do women find bald men attractive? or are women willing to sign in a dating site for bald guys? It depends. Firstly, he will evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of baldness. Then, they search for the best haircut to get a nice hair look. We see that many people decide to shave their heads to hide baldness. Or they work hard on their body to draw attention away from the hair. 

The truth is if you have a bald head or head full of hair, each has its own strength. And you want to find the answer to the question «do women like balding men?», just keep reading.

Do women like bald men survey?

There were 1000 women taking part in the experiment to determine what they think about male baldness. The experiment created two profiles of the same man — same bio, same data, and so on. But one profile was full of hair and another was balding. The difference between these pictures was the hairline only. The original photo is of a balding man, then it was photoshopped to have a fuller hair look.  

Then two profiles were uploaded to a dating site to approach beauties aged 18-30. Specifically, each profile was set in 10 different cities to avoid confusion, such as London vs. Paris, Moscow vs. Saint Petersburg, etc. 

The results

The results were gathered by counting the number of matches and conversations. It contained all cases women opened the conversations and the cases women replied to conversations initiated by men.   

Do Women Like Bald Men? Love Yourself & They'll Love You Back
do women like bald men

Here are highlights from the data collected: 

A man with a full head of hair

A balding man

Matches 243 (2.43%) 147 (1.47%)
Girls Opening 22 (9%) 20 (14%)
Girls Opened 221 (91%) 127 (86%)
Girls Responding 110 (50%) 70 (55%)

As you clearly see, women favored the man with a fuller hair look. Why? Understandably, men with a full head of hair look younger. A similar experiment surveyed the average age of the man in two profiles. Women guessed that the average age of the fuller hair man was 30.7, whereas the balding man was 32.6. However, the rate of women opening and replying to conversations to the bald profile was not too low. 

We think that the experiment is relative. Perhaps women are finding a serious relationship, not on a dating site.

What do women think of bald men?

Many say that the hair is not the decisive factor attracting them, but the personality of males. Some also share that baldness is an attractive point. They find that balding men are trusty. A girl may not choose her soulmate based on his appearance. For example, girls are always attracted by a sense of humor, intelligence, or confidence than the hair. 

Do girls like bald guys? Do bald guys have a chance? Dozens of participants share that some men look perfect with balding spots. Girls judge and respect men for who they are, not for how they look. 

Do Women Like Bald Men? Love Yourself & They'll Love You Back
don’t lose your confidence because you’re bald

Have you ever seen celebrities with a shaved head? Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jason Statham, etc. rocked this look. You find them attractive, right? A shaved head is an ideal way to camouflage your hair issues, it even makes them feel more confident. 

Do women prefer bald men? 

It depends. As we stated, hair loss is not a matter of making men lacking attractiveness. Some guys may have nice hair, but they are overweight. A thick hair will not do much for you. 

If you are experiencing baldness, it does not directly affect the women’s attitude toward you. Your attitude, personality, and mannerisms are the main charisma. 

A survey took place to indicate which characteristics of males attracted women most. Down below are the proportions:

— Appearance: 20%

— Capabilities and wealth: 40%

— Confidence, personality, and other characteristics: 40%


Would girls marry a balding man?

Many users from Reddit and Quora answer this question. We notice that baldness is not a hindrance to men. There are a lot of men who go balding, even in their 20-30s; hence, girls will not refuse him if he is a great person. 

For those with baldness, we recommend you to complete your look with a nice and sleek appearance. Pair with fashion outfit, glasses, and other accessories to draw others’ attention. Please prepare yourself carefully at the first meeting. 

Shares from the communities:

— Male baldness is not a problem. My dad is bald, but he is a great person. He is a great husband to my mom, and a great father to me. 

— I am willing to date any person who understands and sympathizes with my job. Even he is with or without hair. 

— Do women like bald guys? No, some hate and will not date and marry a man with thinning or completely bald. But I only look at inner beauty. Marriage is very important, not a game. 

Do Women Like Bald Men? Love Yourself & They'll Love You Back
refresh your hairdo with hair toupee

There is a fact that no woman leaves her lovers because of his thinning hair or baldness. As long as he is self-confident enough, girls will look at your baldness as an advantage. Do girls like bald me? The answer to this question may be YES. 

Our thought

Do women like bald men?

We recommend all guys to be proud of being bald, but also make up your look with a fit body and nice beard. Women may find you attractive and charming. 

Not all women love the outer beauty of a man. Be confident! If you are not confident when going baldness, contact Layla to get high-quality hairpieces at wholesale prices. We are willing to help you get fuller hair.

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