What Is Club Hair And How To Identify It?

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What is club hair? If you have no ideas about this term, it is time to learn something about it.

Let’s read our article about “what is club hair and how to identify it” to make sure you understand this problem thoroughly.

What Is Club Hair And How To Identify It?

Read more: Hair Extensions For Hair Loss: The Ultimate Solution Found!

What is club hair?

Hair growth cycle

Your hair grows out of your scalp. To be exact, the follicles under your scalp are responsible for hair growth. Each follicle contains the papilla and bulb, which allows blood to run through and nurture the hair.

Not every follicle work at the same time. That means, your 10,00 hair strands can be at various growing stages.

Anagen phase

The anagen phase is also known as the growth phase. During this stage, the bulb develops quickly and creates a new hair strand. This phase will be as long as seven years. People with long hair often have an extended growing period.

Many factors can affect the anagen phase such as age, health and nutrition.

Catagen phase

After the anagen phase, hair will enter catagen phase. This stage only lasts for about three weeks. Once the hair stops growing, it will no longer receive the blood supply.

Telogen phase

Telogen phase is called the resting period. While the hair stops its development, another hair is growing underneath it. This phase stays for three months. Every human being has around 15% of hair in this phase.

Exogen phase

The last phase of the hair growth cycle is the exogen phase. In this stage, hair which has detached itself from the blood supply will wither and shed. Each day, you will experience hair shedding at the rate of 50 to 100 strands.

What is club hair

So, what is club hair?

Club hair, as we mentioned, is a normal part of human hair growth. When hair enters the telogen, it has less pigment. The root becomes lighter and lighter because it no longer receives blood and nutrients to grow.

What Is Club Hair And How To Identify It?

Club hair is a normal part of human hair growth.

The base of the hair removes itself from the underneath papilla and blood vessels. All hairs that enter telogen are called club hairs. From the bottom, new hair is created and starts the anagen phase.

The hair root is covered in keratinized tissue so that the hair cannot grow longer. To transit from the growing to the transition phase, it takes at least two weeks.

How to identify club hair

Now you understand what club hair is. The next step is to learn how to determine this hair type.

Even though hair no longer grows, it will not shed until the next three months. It could be daunting to locate and estimate the rating of your club hair.

Typically, 10 to 20% of your hair comes from club hair. Since club hairs stop their growing phase, the length of these hairs can be impressive. If you rarely cut your hair, your club hair could be as long as 30 inches.

Club hair sheds through day-to-day activities. When you wash, comb or style your hair especially, club hair sheds. When you see hair in the bathroom drain or on your pillow, it is 100% club hair.

What Is Club Hair And How To Identify It?

When you see hair in the bathroom drain or on your pillow, it is 100% club hair.

Club hair can be easily noticed by its construction. The keratinized bulb which covers the root is the most apparent sign. What’s more, the hair should have light colour compared to your existing ones.



The causes of abnormal club hairs

When your hair sheds more often at an alarming amount, it means you have more club hairs than growing hairs. There are many factors causing this phenomenon.

External causes

Our environment can sometimes contribute to our hair loss. Any abnormal change in environment can accelerate the hair growth cycle, forcing hairs to enter telogen phase quicker than usual.

If you work in a stressful environment, you will likely to encounter hair loss. What’s more, surgery, blood loss or physical trauma can cause chaos inside your body, resulting in hair loss.

Unfortunately, while your hair falls excessively, you will not notice it until the next two months. The good thing is this condition is impermanent. Your hair can quickly restore when the environment is in equilibrium.


What you put inside your body can matter too. Vitamin or nutrient deficiency is the direct cause of hair loss in women and men. If you encounter the excessive loss of club hair, check if you fail to top up your body with:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B-Complex (especially B6 and B12)
  • Hormones

Your own body needs to be in a balancing point to function normally. However, due to our lifestyle, the food we eat and our mental stage, we sometimes throw ourselves into troubles.

What Is Club Hair And How To Identify It?

When the inner environment is stirred up, your hair growth cycle is interrupted as well.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the results of the imbalanced lifestyle. When the inner environment is stirred up, your hair growth cycle is interrupted as well. Consequently, more club hairs will shed than usual.

Medical Causes

If you notice that your hair is lost significantly, time to consult your doctor. You should have your scalp checked thoroughly and identified the cause of your problems.

To get a reliable result, you need to conduct a blood test as well. Since iron deficiency causes hair loss, the test is a must-do step to identify the root of your hair loss.

In some severe cases, you should take a scalp biopsy to determine other medical conditions that trigger hair loss. Sometimes, you have alopecia and fungal infections without noticing.

Other than that, some medical conditions cause hair loss as well.

Here is the list.

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Infection
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Anaemia

In case you are taking medication, and it causes hair loss, you need to tell your doctor as soon as possible. Ask him or her to change the type of drug or adjust the dosage if possible.

Some medications causing hair loss include:

  • Hormone therapy
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anticoagulants
  • Beta-blockers

The bottom line

The knowledge of what is club hair and how to identify it will help you address your hair problem as soon as it happens. Hair shedding should be a concern if you notice your club hair falls more often.

Let’s take care of our body and pay attention to the smallest detail.


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