What Is Fine Hair? Differences Between Fine And Thin Hair

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Fine hair and thin hair what is the difference? You may be somehow confused about these two terms when someone mentions about hair types. Therefore, today Layla Hair will share with you some basic information about what is fine hair and then you can easily classify these two.

You can see that there can be various ways when comes to categorize types of what is sitting on our head, such as using numbers and letter to classify curly hair (3c, 4a, 4b…etc) or depending on the density of hair to divide hair into thick, kinky, curly, wavy, coarse, and thin hair. But have you ever asked why it does matter? The fact is that if you understand well about hair types, you can have better care for your hair. So keep reading to unfold the truth about your hair type.

What is fine hair?

The width or diameter of the hair strands is the measurement of the classy fine strand. If strands own smaller diameters, it will be called fine hair. Conversely, whose hair strands are thicker than usual ones will be classified as coarse hair.

What Is Fine Hair? Differences Between Fine And Thin Hair
what is fine hair

How to style fine hair?

Every hair type has its own benefits and drawback in terms of styling, and so does fine hair. It means you will need less product to style it and it can be a financial benefit. Moreover, fine strands can be easily straightened, so styling with fine straight hair is a nice idea if you own this type of hair. Fine tresses are also easy to style into updos since it is fine.

However, many complain about this hair type since it cannot be styled into protective styles such as twists or braids since it will give a little scalpy and less voluminous look. So, if you have fine locks, try the styles which can add volume to your appearance. A short cut will be a nice idea for fine hair, and add some bang may create the feel of thickness, so you can style your short strands into bob hair cut. Curly locks also offer a voluminous look, so you can try wavy hair.

If you want to know more about how to thicken fine hair and how to improve or add more volume and texture for fine locks, below are some useful tips that you can employ.

What Is Fine Hair? Differences Between Fine And Thin Hair
how to style fine strands

Style with fine strands

Those who have fine has may need to create volume when styling their locks since they do not have enough thickness to have a full look so the best way to deal with it is helping to lift hair from the root. When styling fine tresses, you can use a blow dryer to create thick texture from the roots. A nice technique you can use is to diffuse your hair upside down.

If you do not want to use heat to lift up the roots, simply using the pineapple method. Before going to sleep, gather your hair into a high ponytail when it is 90% dry and use a piece of fabric to secure it, DO NOT twist it tight and hold it as loose as possible. If not, your hair will get a dent in the next day. Try not to leave your hair into a bun shape since that can flat your hair and reduce the volume or texture.

Protective styling

As we mentioned above, if someone has fine strands, they may have to face some problems when styling the protective hairstyles such as twists or braids since it will make the scalp look more visible. So, to deal with this struggle, rather than waiting until the hair is completely dry, twist and braid it when it is damp nearly dry hence it will look thicker after styling.


Difference between Fine hair vs. Thin hair

The first thing we can say that fine and thin hair are totally different. The former describes the thick of the hair strands while the latter describes the density of hair. So fine hair means the smaller in diameter than usual hair and the opposite of it is coarse hair whereas thin hair means you have fewer strands than usual and the opposite of it is thick hair. Hence, it is very possible for one can have both fine or thin hair as well as coarse and thin and vice versa.

So what if you have thin hair?

Thin hair means you have fewer follicles than usual. So, thin is not always a synonym of fine, it is two different terms. Therefore, having both thin and coarse hair is quite possible.

What Is Fine Hair? Differences Between Fine And Thin Hair

What if you have fine strands?

You can see that you have fine strands and it doesn’t mean you also have thin hair. And find hair involves the diameter of a single individual hair strand. You can know your strand is fine or not in various ways such as compare the thickness of your strands with others’. However, fine strands are fragile than usual one so having fine strands sometimes can cause thin hair.

Then, what if you have both?

That can be a big problem if you have fine and thin locks. So if you do, pay more attention to take care of your hair because fine thin hair is weak and easily broken. Hence, protective hairstyles such as twists or braids should be limited. But if you still want these styles, hair extensions or wigs will be your solutions. Using hairpieces will not only assist you in style your hair in various ways but also protect your own hair from further damage.

What Is Fine Hair? Differences Between Fine And Thin Hair
before and after wearing a hairpiece

Therefore, if you want to know more about hair extensions, visit the Layla Hair website for more information. You can contact us directly on our website for professional service and consultant.

Final words

All in all, hopefully, after this article, you will know what is fine hair texture and how to differentiate it with thick hair as well as know how to deal with fine hair. Fine tresses is not really a problem, it has advantages and disadvantages as well. As long as you know how to work with fine strands, you can enjoy having it.

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