Why Is My Hair So Thin? — This Startling Answer Will Surprise You!

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Thinning hair is a common hair problem, but it can be pesky and difficult to manage. Why is my hair so thin? We know certain diseases, age, medications, etc. are the biggest culprits behind this hair condition. Besides, experts say that there are many things we do on a daily basis that may lead to hair loss and breakage.  

But we have good news: You can do something to improve your tresses. Change your hair care tips, take supplements, and even alter some of your daily habits. Here Layla reveals some roots reason, how to style thin hair, and treat it. 

Why Is My Hair Getting Thin?

Before finding out the causes of hair problem, you should understand what is thin hair first. Know your hair type helps you have the right hair care tips and select products to get healthy mane. «Thin» is an adjective that is used to describe your hair density per square inch of the scalp. Thin hair appears with fewer strands due to hair breakage, hair loss, or maybe your genetics. People with thin hair tend to expose their scalp more than those with thick hair. Where does thin hair come from? 

You are stressing out

Whether your stress is physical or emotional, it still affects your body and hair as well. It influences your sleep patterns, changes the balance of hormones, and leading to thin hair. Besides, the loss of hair ends up stressing you out more than many times. Quickly find the stress-busting technique that works effectively for you before it is out of control. If you feel better in yourself, your hair can restore itself. 

Why Is My Hair So Thin? - This Startling Answer Will Surprise You!
your hair sheds due to stress

You over-use hot styling tools

What causes hair to thin? Hot temps from straighteners, curling irons, or tongs will break up and damage the proteins that make up your lock and its protective cuticle. For instance, if you blow-dry your hair every day, the cuticle is damaged, leading to moisture imbalance on the scalp. This results in your hair breakage and falling out. 

On a similar note, over-styling your hair, such as tight bun, high ponytail, does not cause the same type of hair damage, but it’s as much of a culprit when it comes to making your natural locks brittle, prone to breaking, and causing thin hair. 

Crash diet

It’s easy to understand if you starve yourself, the body will lack necessary nutritions. This forces your body to direct its energy towards essential functions rather than making hair strands. The poor diet leads to a lack of protein that is primarily material to make hair. Dermatologists say that you need 46 grams of protein per day, about 30% of your total calories. 

Take oral contraceptives

Why Is My Hair So Thin? - This Startling Answer Will Surprise You!
oral contraceptives like birth control pills might cause thinning hair

Oral contraceptives, also called oral birth control pills, have side effects, one of them is causing hair loss. This medicine causing hormonal changes, and weaken your locks. It contains androgens that are cause hair loss for someone who is sensitive. If you are androgen-sensitive, don’t take it. 

Hard scratch your scalp

The action seems harmless, but it affects your hair strands a lot. When you scratch the scalp, the cuticle may be damaged, and hair fibers tend to break easily. 

Additionally, the UV rays also damage your natural locks. Prolonged UV exposure causes cuticle layers to weaken and break, resulting in hair loss. 


Tips On How to Thicken Thin Hair

Eat more protein and check your vitamin levels 

Yes, fish and meat are the rich sources of protein, which is good for hair fibers. Increase the doses of protein to improve your hair health. 

Also, your hair really needs 2 vitamins: D and B12. Your hair grows slowly and becomes thinning if you don’t consume enough vitamins. You should ask your doctor to check these levels if you are worried. 

Look after your scalp on how to make thin hair thicker

Why Is My Hair So Thin? - This Startling Answer Will Surprise You!
take care of your scalp

Bear in mind that a healthy scalp equal to healthy hair. Find and invest in products that help to improve your scalp and natural locks. Opt for right hair care products (shampoos, hair masks, etc.) to loosen the flaky build-up and stimulate hair growth. Remember not to skip conditioner. It helps add moisture to your hair, remove brittle and damaged hair fibers. 

Home remedies

What to do with thin hair? What is the best DIY way to treat thinning hair? Natural ingredients in your kitchen work well for increasing sheen and hair volume. Olive oil is the most excellent addition to add your volume and make your natural locks look stronger. Eggs are an alternative solution as it provides proteins for your tresses. Create a hair oil of raw egg and water, then apply the mix into your scalp and hair weekly. 

Opt for suitable hairstyles for thin hair

How to cut thin hair to make it look thicker? Your hair is thin, it would better if you choose a haircut that does not require you to touch or groom your tresses daily. Creating layers, messy ponytail, blunt bob, etc. are good ideas. 

Why Is My Hair So Thin? - This Startling Answer Will Surprise You!
wear hair extensions to cover thin hair

In case you wear hair extensions to cover your thinning hair, you can braid or twist it to achieve a natural look. When wearing a hair extension, make sure that it is made of real human hair. Because it blends and matches well with your bio hair. However, take it off at the end of the day to eliminate the strain to your strands and scalp. 

All In All

«Why is my hair so thin» is not a difficult question after reading this post. Above are all that Layla Hair wants to share about the thinning hair problem and treatments. We hope that you could regain your voluminous hair by using these remedies. 

While waiting for thicker hair, you can wear hair extensions or wigs to add more volume temporarily. Attach the system on your head and confident to go out with a fuller and more beautiful hair.

Feel free to contact us to get high-quality hair at friendly prices. We’re proud of the leading human hair vendor in Vietnam. Leave your questions and inquiries via WhatsApp link at any time to get support!

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