The Leaked Secret To Dry Hair Remedy Discovered

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Dry hair is one of the most common hair condition that most people suffer from. It occurs when your hair strands don’t get enough moisture. It may result from your hair care habit or health condition. 

In this post, we will help you find the answer to the question “why is my hair so dry”, the best way on how to fix dry hair to perfectly healthy. Keep reading to learn more about hair secrets and advice from our experts.

What Is Dry Hair?

Put simply, dry hair happens when does not have much oil in it. It occurs when your tresses don’t get enough sebum to keep it glossy. Sebum or natural oil is produced by sebaceous glands, including on the scalp. If your scalp does not have enough natural oil, the strand of hair is more vulnerable to damage. 

You wonder why is my hair so dry and brittle. In fact, your hair follicles are connected to the sebaceous glands. Hence, when the strands don’t retain moisture, your breadth is prone to be dry. That’s why it appears dull and frizzy.

The Leaked Secret To Dry Hair Remedy Discovered
dry hair

People who have dry skin are likely to have dry breadth. The strands become brittle from activities that strip the sebum from the hair, such as swimming in salt or chlorinated water, sunbathing, overuse of hairdryer or other styling tools. 

This situation affects all people, both men, and women, at any age. This hair condition is more likely to develop when you age. When your tresses are damaged, the layers of hair are broken down, leading it to appear unhealthy. 

Main Causes Of Dry Hair

The scalp does not create enough sebum

As I stated, this is the root reason causing this symptom. Natural locks cannot get enough oil to moisturize, or it lets moisture escape. In other words, it has no natural lubrication. Natural oil is produced to keep your hair strands moisturized and looking lustrous. As we all know, roots in overdrive lead to oily hair and similar, hair does not make enough sebum leading to dry mane. 

Improper hair care habits

Several hair care practices can damage your natural locks: 

– Shampoo your strands too often.

– Use hair care products (such as shampoos, conditioners, etc.) that contain harsh chemicals. 

– Bleach or dye the hair frequently

– Overuse blow-drying the tresses.

– Apply heat styling tools regularly, such as straighteners, curling irons, and more.

The Leaked Secret To Dry Hair Remedy Discovered
lack of sebum causes dry hair

Environmental factors are also underlying causes

Why is my hair dry, especially in summer? In summer, people have many activities on the beach or swimming pool. But do you know that salt and chlorine water can strip natural oil from the hair strands? Also, sit or stand in the sun or wind for hours makes your hair tend to dull, frizzy and brittle. The climate also affects your hair condition. For example, the dry and hot climate somewhat affects the bio hair. 

Other health problems influence your hair’s ability and scalp: 

– Hypoparathyroidism 

– Hypothyroidism disease

– Menkes syndrome

– Anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder characterized by weight loss)

How To Fix Dry Hair

Avoid washing hair every day 

It is a simple way to treat dull hair, right? Daily shampooing will strip protective oils from your tresses, leading to dryness. How to treat dry hair? It’s time to change your hair care habit. Shampoo your hair once or twice weekly is ideal. 

As a bonus, use a hairdryer less frequently. What to use for dry hair? Opt for a mild and gentle shampoo produced specifically to help dry hair and has fewer laundry detergents. It would better if you follow the shampoo with a moisturizing conditioner.

The Leaked Secret To Dry Hair Remedy Discovered
apply hydrating hair mask

Apply best hair mask for dry hair

Your bio hair needs moisture to grow and maintain. Use a leave-conditioner or hair mask to add its luster and softness. 

Or you can apply a dry hair remedy at home to add moisture. Take an appropriate amount of coconut or jojoba oil, and massage into the scalp to replenish moisture. You can notice the result after several weeks. 


Protect your existing hair from heat and sun exposure

It is an important and good way on how to repair dry damaged hair. Wear a hat when going outdoors if you are in a dry climate. Besides, don’t spend long-term exposure to windy or dull hair. Also, remember to protect your tresses when you go swimming by wearing a bathing cap. 

Take supplements

To add moisture to dry strands, you can take the right supplement. It helps restore luster to your mane and keep it stay healthy. 

– Vitamins: It is necessary to get enough vitamin, it is not only good for hair, but for your body. Take supplements including vitamins A, C, H (also called biotin), and minerals (iron, zinc) help your bio hair look shinier and healthier. 

– Omega-3: It is a type of fatty acid. Ask the dermatologist to have the right treatment. Capsules of evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil are sources of Omega-3. 

The Leaked Secret To Dry Hair Remedy Discovered
take in vitamin and Omega-3

Visit your hairstylist

After you have tried these above ways to treat and moisturize dry strands, if your strands are still dry, ask the professional about a deep conditioning hair treatment.

In some cases, if the arid hair happens with your fatigue, weakness, or hair loss, bring yourself to see your doctor. Check to make sure that you don’t have any health problems.

In the bottom line

If you dream of having beautiful hair and want to get a luxurious and silky hair instead of dry hair, you have to understand the root causes of this hair condition first. Know clearly signs on how to tell if the hair is dry. Then action to get the natural locks you long for. Layla hopes that you can find the best treatment after reading this post. 

Dry locks may be tackled with some balanced dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Home remedies also work effectively for this hair condition. You have other techniques to treat dry strands, let us know by leaving comments. Don’t hesitate to raise your voice. 

Have any questions, contact us via hotline or text us via email. Browse our site to update more hair care tips to perfectly hair health.

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